Israel may have to attack Iran, Zionist leader tells obedient Murdoch typist

Hands up all those who like taking free trips to Israel organised by the Zionist lobby? The Sydney Morning Herald’s Lenore Taylor does and her recent column simply “reported” alarmist Israeli comments over the supposed threat of Iran. It wasn’t journalism; it was very effective stenography. No alternative voices were offered. Today, in Murdoch’s Australian,…

Wikileaks comes to the Murdoch bosom

From David Leigh, Guardian’s investigation’s editor: The #guardian published too many leaks for #Assange ‘s liking, it seems. So now he’s signed up “exclusively” with #Murdoch‘s Times. Gosh. UPDATE: Times journalist confirms Assange has merely provided his paper with an interview, no more.

Murdoch paper echoes Washington line over Wikileaks

“Journalism” Murdoch style with the headline, “Life’s a Breach, Julian” in the New York Post: Apparently, the public doesn’t have the right to know everything. The lawyer for WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange whined yesterday that his client is being treated unfairly because a Swedish police report detailing his rape charges was leaked to British newspaper.…

This is what Murdoch produces on Wikileaks

Oh thank you, Bill McGowan: It’s one thing for journalists to challenge the government, to serve as a check on its power. It’s another to assume a knee-jerk oppositionalism that’s out of touch with the middle register of the country and with wartime exigencies. Far from being rooted in responsibility and idealism about how our…

My name is Murdoch and I’m so proud of my journalism

So this is how you become a massively successful media mogul; fund journalists and editors who break the law: Lawyers have secured explosive new evidence linking one of the News of the World‘s most senior editorial executives to the hacking of voicemail messages from the phones of Sienna Miller, Jude Law and their friends and…

Greens demand Murdoch hack get a clue and fired

The following letter by Greens leader Bob Brown was sent to Murdoch’s Herald Sun newspaper: Dear Editor, Andrew Bolt has blood on his hands. He stridently insisted on the invasion and killings in Iraq which led to millions fleeing. Some of those millions ended up in the ocean off Christmas Island on Wednesday. Andrew Bolt’s…

Why should Palin actually speak to real Haitian people?

Tragedy as a media back-drop (assisted by the kind folk at Fox News): Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin began a tightly stage-managed visit to Haiti on Saturday in which she visited cholera clinics while avoiding crowds and the press. The 2008 vice presidential candidate was a guest of Rev. Franklin Graham, whose aid group works…

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