Just how many in government are in the pocket of Murdoch?

Thank God for the non-Murdoch press because without them we would never have known about the ongoing scandal at the News of the World. Ethics at News Limited? Somewhere in the offices of the Crown Prosecution Service, there is a file that will be of great interest to any independent inquiry that attempts to tell…

Murdoch’s love of illegality in the pursuit of hacked calls

A stunning piece of investigative journalism by the New York Times on the News of the World in the UK and its sordid relationship with Scotland Yard: In November 2005, three senior aides to Britain’s royal family noticed odd things happening on their mobile phones. Messages they had never listened to were somehow appearing in…

Beck on his Christian, God-fearing America

Fox News interviews Glenn Beck about his “restoring honour” event in Washington DC over the weekend and one gains an insight into a man who truly believes that America is a country that should embrace a Christian God. Shame about those Muslims, Jews and atheists: Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

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