Murdoch loves spreading bile; nice little earner

Frank Rich in the New York Times: How do you win Muslim hearts and minds in Kandahar when you are calling Muslims every filthy name in the book in New York? … In the five months after The Times’s initial account there were no newspaper articles on the project at all. It was only in…

Rupert Murdoch gives Republicans 1 million bucks

But as Jon Stewart says: I really think if anything the Republicans should be paying Fox News millions and millions of dollars. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c News Corp. Gives Money to Republicans Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

“Gaffes” by IDF soldiers

Rupert Murdoch’s publishes this AP story that is surely designed to make the reader feel sorry for the Israeli state; they just can’t keep “secrets” secret anymore. The poor dears. What on earth should soldiers occupying the Palestinians do with their spare time? The security obsessed Israeli military is confronting a new adversary –…

Somebody talks to Hamas, hold the front page!

The Australian Murdoch press is so clueless. This story, appearing on page 2 of today’s Australian newspaper, is a supposed scoop: A senior East Timorese government minister wanted to advise the Palestinian militant group Hamas while employed by the World Bank. Based in the West Bank in 2006, Emilia Pires, a dual Australian citizen, now…

Murdoch down under shows how powerlesss he is

This is almost tragic. Murdoch’s Australian newspaper has spent years demonising the Greens for extremism and much else and yet despite the wise counsel of Rupert support for the party is surging. So what to do for the little Murdoch minions? Slam the Greens more, claim they are “far Left” (a supposedly problematic term) and…

Endangering “informants” in Afghanistan is a murky affair

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange talks to Fox News (!) about the Afghan war logs and provides some context to the release of classified documents and the ways in which “informants” often work: A bigger problem, according to Assange, was a project the government called the “kill or capture list”– a list of suspected terrorists that…

Demeaning Tamils on a mission

When the wolves of the tabloid press are looking for victims, rest assured they’ll always find the most powerless in society. Case study one: A Tamil refugee who went on a 23-day hunger strike in Parliament Square last year has received an apology and almost …£80,000 in damages from the Daily Mail and the Sun…

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