The American media and race relations on crack, smoked by Rupert

The parallel universe known as the American media. Trumped-up stories, white paranoia, Fox News inflaming and utterly devoid of true meaning. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow offers a few thoughts (and being here in New York at the moment it’s almost comical how little serious news is reported by the major TV networks, except for faux scandals):…

Comparing Murdoch to the tobacco business

Murdoch’s News Limited is a multinational, bullying monster that routinely escapes serious scrutiny. Its size convinces too many to remain silent. But there are brave exceptions: The [Australian Rugby team] Storm’s former chairman, Rob Moodie, has launched a withering attack on the club’s owners, News Ltd, comparing their ”intimidating” tactics to those of multinational tobacco…

Wash Post study on outsourcing terror (aka intelligence services)

One of the biggest stories in North America at the moment is today’s Washington Post investigation on the explosion of intelligence services since 9/11. The sheer scale and cost involved is massive. Creating fear has never been more profitable. The outsourcing of government services is taking place across the world, including Australia and yet most…

What would a progressive agenda look like?

I’ve spent the last 24 hours traveling across the world (currently in Canada) and read this fascinating 17,000 word essay by Eric Alterman in The Nation. It discusses the importance of a progressive agenda, the difficulty of achieving this in the US with so many vested interests, the disappointment of Barack Obama, lobbying in the…

Israel’s Better Place continues its human rights-free push into Australia

In June I wrote about the Israeli electric car company Better Place and serious questions over its human rights record in Palestine and the Middle East. Today’s Australian features the following story about the company and proves how human rights so rarely enters the corporate media’s understanding of “progress”: The California-based Better Place electric car…

Since when was a Colombo-friendly source reliable?

Rupert Murdoch’s Australian continues its jolly regular reliance on “official” sources when reporting “terrorism”. Greg Barns explains: So some asylum seekers are terrorists are they? Well yes, according to The Australian today. But for a host of reasons we should be very cautious in accepting the veracity of those who make claims that people fleeing…

Indict Bush and Cheney, says Fox contributor

If America was a nation that believed in applying law equally to all: This weekend Fox Business host (and frequent Fox News contributor) Judge Andrew Napolitano sat down with Ralph Nader to discuss, among other things, allegations that, under the Bush Administration detainees civil rights were violated. In the interview that aired on C-Span, Napolitano…

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