Who’s your Zionist loving Daddy, Israel?

What does an Israeli patriot want? Gideon Levy sees an Israeli population convinced the world is against them and only keen to hear reassuring comments about the nobility of the Jewish state. The Wall Street Journal opinion page would agree. Here’s Shelby Steele today claiming that anti-Semitism is at the heart of the world’s growing…

Flotilla anger threatens to sink Jewish state

That’s a headline in today’s Murdoch Australian that indicates a growing fear within the Zionist community. The piece by Abraham Rabinovich is remarkably measured (mostly, anyway) and includes this: The explosion of anger [after the flotilla massacre] is unlikely to have been touched off by a transient episode such as the interdiction of the flotilla.…

Rupert shows his loving side for Palestine

This is grand. Check the headline in this story in yesterday’s Murdoch Australian: Weekend Australian helps sick Gaza baby Yes, the Murdoch empire has spent years caring deeply about the Palestinian people and not backing every single Israeli onslaught against the West Bank and Gaza.

News Limited would never smear an innocent man

Rupert Murdoch, a media man with lashings of journalistic principles: A doctor accepted “substantial” libel damages at the high court today over false allegations in the Sun linking him to terrorism. Dr Mohammed Asha, who is based in the Midlands, launched legal action after the Sun carried a front page article last August under the…

Melanie Philips, unplugged

A very helpful “digested read” in the Guardian of the latest work by Melanie Philips: This book arose from a sense of perplexity that almost everyone in the world thought I was clinically mad. Everywhere I looked there were people who believed boarding a humanitarian aid convoy in international waters and murdering nine people was…

Inciting race hatred on Murdoch money

A helpful reminder of the kind of hatred that regularly appears in the pages of a leading Murdoch publication. Alan Howe is a senior figure in Melbourne’s Herald Sun newspaper who loves to demean Arabs and praise Israel (free trips to the Jewish state thanks to the Zionist lobby have certainly helped him hone his…

Is the Aussie Zionist lobby in trouble?

One of Australia’s foremost academics, Scott Burchill, senses a change in Australian public opinion over Israel. The Zionist lobby will have noticed. As will the lobby’s closest backers (such support is always helped by regular free trips to Israel and a constant stream of press releases). Over to Burchill in an online exclusive: Sometimes government…

What the Pixies think may be catching

A piece in today’s Murdoch Australian highlights the almost unstoppable movement towards isolating Israel until it recognises the error of its occupying ways. Not much evidence that many Israelis do believe that, but give them time: The piece is by Michael Shaik: “MICHAEL, she’s dead.” It was March 16, 2003. The huge anti-war protests of…

Moving from watching Fox News to understanding Palestine

During my experience with the Gaza Freedom March in late 2009 in Cairo, I spent time with a remarkable American woman and mother, Debbie Mardon. She once was a right wing, Fox News watcher but is now a fiercely passionate activist for Palestine. Her transformation was documented in New York’s Indypendent newspaper last week and…

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