Murdoch hates the web but wants your money, anyway

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer is now a an online-only newspaper, surviving and seemingly thriving in a new age. But its ability to report deeply on various issues has been reduced due to a lack of senior staff. Non-professional journalists have been asked to provide stories. Meanwhile, Rupert Murdoch is about to enter a brave a new…

How the Israel lobby plants hysterical stories in the Aussie media

One of the few Australian academics to actually publicly challenge Australia’s deep relationship with Israel and America is Scott Burchill. Here’s his latest missive: This mysterious story appeared on AM (ABC Radio) on Friday. Just dropped out of the blue. Nothing newsworthy about it. In fact the story is mostly nonsense – including accusations that…

Murdoch wants to protect Israel from being itself

Here’s some supreme propaganda for your weekend. Murdoch’s Australian places this story on page one, written by their favourite establishment supporting “reporter” Greg Sheridan – victims of Western wars, what are talking about? – and demands that Australia ignore Israel’s criminality: TONY Abbott has called on the Rudd government not to expel an Israeli diplomat…

Caring for Tamils brings media contempt

It’s hard to know the truth in all this but if history is any guide the tabloid press, working with the police, have a dark past of smearing individuals with a social conscience: A hunger striker who held a 23-day fast in Parliament Square last year in protest at the Sri Lanka’s offensive against the…

Rupert’s power is sustained by love and power not sense

Columbia Journalism Review mentions the ever-growing losses of the Murdoch empire. When Rupert finally meets his maker, his so-called empire will certainly change greatly. The arrogance of his current editors will dissipate very quickly. The poor dears: What lengths will Rupert Murdoch go to support his newspapers? Last year, The Wall Street Journal lost $80…

A little, almost token effort, to slap Israel over murdering people

Trouble in paradise: Britain has expelled Mossad’s most senior official in London after concluding there was compelling evidence that UK passports used by a hit squad in Dubai were cloned by Israel. The Independent has learnt that the documents were cloned at Ben Gurion airport, and officials then made follow-up calls to check surreptitiously that…

The Daily Show hearts Glenn Beck

Jon Stewart takes on Fox News’ Glenn Beck, a dribbling fool that has captured many hearts in the US: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Intro – Progressivism Is Cancer Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Reform The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs…

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