Murdoch and his intimate Saudi mates

Via ThinkProgress: Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal now owns a 7 percent stake in Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., the parent company of Fox News, making him the company’s largest shareholder outside of Murdoch’s own family. Alwaleed is best known for going to Ground Zero after the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks and personally handing then-mayor…

Rupert cares about getting the story (ethics are often ignored)

Next time anybody talks about the inherent morality within the Murdoch empire, remind them of this: Rupert Murdoch‘s media giant News International could face a judicial inquiry after a highly critical parliamentary report today accuses senior executives at its top-selling newspaper of concealing the truth about the extent of illegal phone hacking by its journalists.…

Australian member of parliament thinks bombing Iran is almost inevitable

Australian, Jewish Zionist MP Michael Danby loves to talk about human rights in many countries around the world, except of course Palestine. It’s the usual program; issue directives without political risk but support the most reactionary elements of the Israeli political elite. And bombing Iran. Take his piece in the Wall Street Journal that argues…

What television is made for; O’Reilly vs Stewart

When Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly interviewed Jon Stewart this week, it actually seemed like the two of them could be the kind of friends who rarely agree but enjoy the verbal stoush. Of course, O’Reilly usually bullies anybody he doesn’t like; it’s the Murdoch way:

Why should Australia gain in the UN by ignoring Israeli criminality?

This “exclusive” in today’s Murdoch Australian (also featured in the Melbourne Age) is a wake-up call to the Australian government. Blindly supporting Israel and mouthing platitudes about a two-state solution, while remaining silent on the siege of Gaza and the growing occupation, comes with a price: Kevin Rudd’s bid for a UN Security Council seat…

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