Why the Right backs torture, endless war and Jesus

Andrew Sullivan explains why he cannot support the Republican Party, Christianism and extremism: I cannot support a movement that claims to believe in limited government but backed an unlimited domestic and foreign policy presidency that assumed illegal, extra-constitutional dictatorial powers until forced by the system to return to the rule of law. I cannot support…

Olmert is a Zionist legend (argues “journalist”)

When former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert visits America, he is welcomed as a war criminal. In Australia, Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan of Rupert Murdoch’s The Australian treats him like a glorious hero: Ehud Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel’s prime minister he made war – twice – in Lebanon…

The ghost of Bill Gates in the shadow of helping the Communist Party

My book The Blogging Revolution thoroughly examines the complicity of Western multinationals such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo in assisting online censorship in oppressive regimes. Nicholas Kristof in his blog on the New York Times discovers how shocking this situation has become. Lesson for the day; never trust the word of corporate executives (especially when…

Jewish friends of radical settlers must stick together

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick dislikes anybody who doesn’t love everything about Israel (especially the settlers and the occupation). Her latest piece argues that a growing number of American Jews are allegedly turning against the Jewish state: Some of Israel’s most high-profile supporters in the US are conservative talk radio and television hosts like Rush…

Right’s new radicals

My following book review appears today in Sydney’s Sun Herald newspaper: Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement That Shattered the Party Max Blumenthal (Nation Books, $49.95) Reviewed by Antony Loewenstein Christian fundamentalists have taken over the Republican Party. “It’s become the party of birthers, deathers and Civil War re-enacters,” Max Blumenthal told the Los Angeles Times…

Coppola praises Assad and we all groan

Neo-conservative bible The Weekly Standard ran this curious story last week and, if true, highlights a sad reality of the Middle East; lies, delusion and outright bigotry: With his new film Tetro billed to open Beirut’s recent International Film Festival, Francis Ford Coppola was diverted from landing in the Lebanese capital when it was learned…

Palin brings out the best in the least fair sex

Andrew Sullivan on le Sarah Palin “phenomenon”: Let’s face it: if Palin looked like Golda Meir, there’s no chance McCain would have picked her. And no one would currently give a damn. She is the Carrie Prejean of politics; and like the Ailes-tested fembots on Fox News. Women are not so dumb as to buy…

Jewish leftists are killing Israel, argues Zionist extremist

The Bureau of Counterpropaganda highlights a Jewish website that discusses the “Jewish Danger in Galilee”: If you read or see CNN or the BBC or even the more even handed FOX news, you may come away with the feeling that the government of Israel’s settlement policy is an illegal impediment to Peace… …the Arabs are…

Annoying Gazans need to start enjoying death

The Goldstone report over Gaza is a defining document. Israel’s crimes are clear to see. For some in the Murdoch press – such as Alan Howe writing in Melbourne’s Herald Sun (the man has form) – “Jews prove easy catch“: The none-too-smart and ideologically unsound United Nations works on more simplistic levels – it sets…

Obama either takes Palestinian justice seriously (or not)

Australians for Palestine public advocate Michael Shaik publishes the following in the Australian: Nine months since the end of the offensive, Gazans continue to live in plastic tents alongside the ruins off their homes because Israel refuses to allow building materials into Gaza. …  The Israeli government reasons that, by inflicting such punishment on Gaza’s…

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