More information should be accessible

Last week the London Guardian reported on the Murdoch press in the UK delving into the secrets of countless celebrities and public figures. Wikileaks challenges the mainstream response: The News of the World didn’t go far enough. Earlier this year, WikiLeaks released 86 telephone recordings of corrupt Peruvian politicians and businessmen. The revelations became the…

Fox News notes West Bank resistance

A Fox News report from the Palestinian town of Bilin, the site of weekly protests against the apartheid wall. The discussion is inane and the host back in the US can’t, like, totally understand that an occupation is taking place, but having such images in the mainstream media is certainly a positive development (thanks to…

My name is Rupert and I produce this

Next time anybody thinks that the Murdoch establishment is based on fairness, accuracy, balance or ethics, remember this: Rupert Murdoch’s News Group News…­papers has paid out more than …£1m to settle legal cases that threatened to reveal evidence of his journalists’ repeated involvement in the use of criminal methods to get stories. The payments secured…

‘If You Don’t Agree With Us You’re Antisemitic’

My latest New Matilda column, co-written with Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull, responds to predictable charges of political bias by the Zionist lobby: Labor MP Michael Danby’s accusation of antisemitism against two Jewish writers is a false and dangerous misuse of that term, write the accused, Michael Brull and Antony Loewenstein Sometimes, people…

Thank God Persians aren’t Arabs

Middle East Reality Check blog makes a clear point about the ways in which the Australian Murdoch press views dead civilians: In Murdoch fish wrapper, if Iranian forces murder 5 or more Iranian protestors, it’s a massacre. If Israeli forces murder 1300 or more Palestinians, it ain’t.

The Australian in the action

My friend Austin Mackell, a Sydney-based journalist, was recently in Iran at the height of the political turmoil. Amusingly, he was interviewed by CBS and Fox News…  (the host seems utterly shocked by pretty much everything Mackell has to say):

Rupert’s helping hand in apartheid

Following the Australian’s desperate editorial on Saturday damning anybody who challenges Israeli policies, Associate Professor Bassam Dally, from The Australian Friends of Palestine Association, has issued an open to the paper’s editor, Chris Mitchell: A Friend of Palestine is not an Enemy of Israel Open Letter to Chris Mitchell Bassam Dally The editorial titled “A…

How to kill Persians with a smile

Deakin University’s Scott Burchill documents freaks of nature: Pomeranians are small, extroverted dogs with origins traceable to Egypt, who can develop the habit of barking excessively if their behaviour is rewarded (i.e. allowed to beg for food). Bombiranians are a small group of extroverted neo-cons, primarily Zionist and traceable to Israel and the US, who…

Murdoch fans the flames

Yesterday’s shooting at Washington’s Holocaust Museum was partly due to the rise of anti-Zionism in the US. So says Fox News: Or, in another Fox News special, perhaps Hitler was actually a leftist…with a direct line to yesterday’s shooting?

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