Credibility isn’t exactly their middle name

The following great piece by Greg Barns in today’s Crikey tackles the sickening behaviour of the local media and political elite towards the Israeli state: Back in the days when the hammer and sickle flew proudly, the Soviet Union would spend big dollars on paying for journalists, academics and diplomats to see for themselves the…

Free trips to fellate Israel

Are there no limits to the whoring the political and media elite won’t display towards Israel? Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard will lead a delegation to Israel next month as part of a bid to strengthen political, business and cultural ties between Australia and Israel. The tour, organised by pro-Israel lobby group the Australia Israel…

How the Murdoch press always finds a connection between Palestine and terrorism

Sometimes, just sometimes, there is accountability in the Australian media. The following adjudication from the Australian Press Council was released this month: The Press Council has upheld a complaint by Moammar Mashni about a photograph accompanying an article entitled Aussie war graves in line of fire that appeared in The Herald Sun on February 6,…

Stories that really matter to our fighting boys

Why we should allow Rupert Murdoch far more power in the global media environment, courtesy of the UK Sun newspaper: PAGE 3 girls yesterday launched a full frontal attack on Ministry of Defence killjoys — after they banned troops from looking at our beauties online.

Blame those leftist extremists, please

Long-time supporters of Israel are having a tough time at the moment. War crimes were committed in Gaza during the recent war. The prospects of a two-state solution are beyond grim. Western-led tensions between Hamas and Gaza are real. The new Israeli government has no intention of seriously pushing for peace, only worsening the West…

Going down the road of socialism

We all need some good old fashioned sense from Fox News now and then: The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Sean Hannity’s Liberty Tree Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Gay Marriage

The apples in Israel are just lovely, aren’t they?

The Australian’s Foreign Editor, Greg Sheridan, has a history of getting everything wrong about the Middle East. But he loves Israel like a fine wine, so the Zionists adore him. His latest essay in the Australian Literary Review, titled, Israel still looks good, warts and all, is yet another piece of startling inaccuracy. How’s this…

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