We’re all bloggers now

A few choice words by Murdoch biographer Michael Wolff on the future, or lack thereof, of the MSM: The NYT [New York Times] will not be owned by the same company 18 months from now. I stand by that.

A nation run by fools or deceivers?

Sometimes parody is all we have left. How’s this for a headline? Rove claims prosecuting torture memo authors will turn Obama admin “into the moral equivalent of a Latin American country run by colonels in mirrored sunglasses“ That would be the Latin American nations run by US-backed thugs under Reagan in the 1980s, would it…

Adolf is dead, surely?

Murdoch’s Australian publishes two letters today that address the Durban II conference. Yes, they’re predictable…and mention Hitler: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spews vitriol that could have easily been written by Adolf Hitler himself. How ironic that this should occur at such a morally bankrupt conference organised by some of the worst human rights abusers this world has…

They will fight us as long as we stay

New American special representative for Pakistan/Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, talks to the Wall Street Journal: Some people say to me, particularly after a few drinks, ‘Why don’t we go in there with our troops and just clean it up?’” he says. “First of all we can’t without their permission, and that would not be a good…

Cling to your guns

God knows how many examples we can find of Fox News creating fear and paranoia in America. Rupert must be so proud. Remember this the next time he talks about serious journalism:

Pack the guns, kids, fascism is coming

What happens when Murdoch lets a little rage take over Fox News: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c Baracknophobia – Obey thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Economic Crisis Political Humor

Who will fill the silences?

An interesting article today by Crikey publisher Eric Beecher on the crisis in modern journalism. It’s hard to disagree with much of this, except to wonder what kind of values we are truly missing from the mainstream media. Investigative work must be done to sustain democracy, to be sure, but how many stories were being…

Don’t cry for freedom just yet

Just another day in the life of a skewered Murdoch hack: The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The 10.31 Project comedycentral.com Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest

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