Start praying for salvation

Murdoch’s Australian newspaper hilariously publishes an article about Australian Jews now working in Israel to sell its war against Palestinians civilians. Says Captain Rutland, head of the European and Pacific desks at the IDF: I know that the vast majority of them [soldiers] are quite simply very good people who do the maximum to minimise…

Stenographer discovers the real Loewenstein

On the day before Islamic terrorists launched their latest attack on Mumbai, Sydney writer Antony Loewenstein delivered a speech at Harvard University in the US. Readers, it’s time to admit something (already picked up by this crafty Murdoch hack in Sydney.) My words at Harvard this week actually triggered a sleeper cell in India. Blame…

Watching the clueless squirm

Former CIA agent “Werther” explains what a likely Obama victory would do to the usual suspects in the US political and media establishment: The American political system also perceives cases of countries “testing” or “challenging” the United States in many instances where the country in question has a perfect right to pursue its own policies…

How to make progress in the MSM

Journalist Judith Miller, who disgraced her profession and the New York Times by publishing countless bogus stories about Iraq’s non-existent WMDs, has been hired by Fox News. It fits. A liar now works for the master of fiction.

Keeping the Zionists happy

Finally, the reality about the Israel-hating mainstream media (why oh why do they keep attacking the noble Jewish state?) A ground-breaking new academic study has revealed that truth is inherently biased against Israel. “We expected, or at least hoped that the Truth would be fair and balanced – like Fox News,” said lead researcher Dr.…

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