Defending the rights of “terrorists”

Al-Manar is the satellite television channel of Hezbollah (which much of the West regards as a terrorist organisation, a view I do not share.) The channel is currently available in many Australian homes. The Lebanese community is massive here and many people regard the group as a liberation movement. Others see it as an aggressive…

Holidays in blogging hell

The following post is by Phil Gomes on one of Australia’s most popular blog sites Larvatus Prodeo: In The Blogging Revolution Antony Loewenstein takes us on a personal journey through some of the more difficult places in the world to blog. Iran, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Cuba and China. It’s a timely book on the…

Get the foreigners out

In the worldview of a journalist from the Murdoch press in Australia – more than happy to visit the Middle East and blindly publish propaganda from the US military – the world should send more troops to Afghanistan: NATO’S new top commander in Afghanistan says the international coalition is “struggling to win” a strategic victory…

It’s clear who we should trust

I’ve spent the last days at the Melbourne Writer’s Festival, listening to speakers from around the world and talking about my new book, The Blogging Revolution. One of Australia’s finest bloggers, John Quiggin, with whom I spoke last week, explained to his readers the ways in which blogging and new technology is finally challenging the…

Really, it’s true, no really it is

One of Australia’s “leading” conservative commentators: It’s true that some of the Left are genuinely nice people motivated by a sense of justice and compassion, however mistakenly applied. But it’s also true that the Left is the natural home of the barbarian. Let me see now. How many Jews can I slaughter this Sabbath?

Tell us what you really think

David Kilcullen is an Australian who has spent the last years working with the Bush administration in its fights against “terror.” Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newspaper wrote this about him in late 2006: Meet David Kilcullen, a 40-year-old former Australian infantry commander who likes nothing more than getting dirt on his boots as he switches between…

Nail everything down

What next, the weather channel being sponsored by the nuclear industry? Oh wait: The tentacle-like growth of clandestine advertising in American TV shows in the form of product placement has taken another controversial step with the introduction of McDonald’s products into regional news programmes. Several TV outlets have begun to sell the fast-food giant the…

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