Let him own everything

Rupert Murdoch would like to own the New York Times. And why not? Isn’t it terribly unfair that one man can’t simply own all media outlets in a country? Poor Rupert. He’d probably really enjoy life in a one-party state where all the media is controlled by a central authority.

Fox News porn

Rupert Murdoch must be so proud. On the one hand, his Australian broadsheet declares victory in Iraq – after all, ethnic cleansing isn’t really that important to leader writers in Sydney – and elsewhere his Fox News channel promotes conservative values by showing as much female flesh as possible:

Analysis of a blind man

Rupert Murdoch says he “knows a bit about” Iraq and Afghanistan, thinks Australian troops should remain in Iraq and believes that Western victories in the ravaged countries are at hand. Would that prediction be accurate as his belief in 2003 that one of the benefits of the Iraq war would be US$20 barrels of oil?…

Declaring victory

One of Australia’s major Murdoch commentators offers his insights into Iraq: There is a reason Iraq has almost disappeared as an election issue. Here it is: The battle is actually over. Iraq has been won. I know this will seem to many of you an insane claim. Ridiculous! After all, haven’t you read countless stories…

Killing other voices

Democracy in the media? Hardly, let the moguls reign: The head of the Federal Communications Commission has circulated an ambitious plan to relax the decades-old media ownership rules, including repealing a rule that forbids a company to own both a newspaper and a television or radio station in the same city. Kevin J. Martin, chairman…

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