Yes, Obama is really an Israel hater

As Barack Obama is about to meet Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington – and yet more evidence emerges of ever-expanding West Bank settlements, also known as “natural growth” – arch neo-con Daniel Pipes wants the world to know: Obama himself comes out of the Democratic party’s intensely anti-Zionist left wing. Just a few years back, he…

A day in the life of a conversation with an active Zionist

Earlier today I posted a comment about Israel/Palestine from Dan Diker, the foreign policy analyst at the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs. He stressed that any kind of Middle East peace deal was impossible as long as Iran, Hamas, Hizbollah, terrorism and polluted water (!) was in the way (he may not have mentioned the…

Please let us bomb Iran for the world’s sake

Dan Diker, the foreign policy analyst at the neo-conservative Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, outlines his perspective on the upcoming meeting between Barack Obama and Benyamin Netanyahu: One of the difficult differences between Netanyahu and Obama concerns their fundamentally different views over the linkage of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process to the containment of Iran’s nuclear…

Fear is a good thing for Israel

Zionist neo-cons are allegedly convinced that the Obama administration no longer cares about Israel and will not help the Jewish state protect itself from the Iranian nuclear “threat”. As if. Since when was some tough love not in order? Israel is not a special country and nor should it be treated that way. This is…

The apples in Israel are just lovely, aren’t they?

The Australian’s Foreign Editor, Greg Sheridan, has a history of getting everything wrong about the Middle East. But he loves Israel like a fine wine, so the Zionists adore him. His latest essay in the Australian Literary Review, titled, Israel still looks good, warts and all, is yet another piece of startling inaccuracy. How’s this…

Imagine if “they” did it to “us”

According to conservative fanatic Michelle Malkin, it’s “left-wing extremism” to “wail about torture and indulge in Cheney Derangement Syndrome.” Yes, calling for accountability against torture is “extremism”:

Perversion dressed up as values

The Republican hack blog Powerline writes: Many liberals don’t just want to defeat conservatives at the polls, they want to send them to jail. Yes, that’s right. Even considering prosecuting individuals in the Bush administration who advocated and supported torture is a witch-hunt against “conservatives”. By the way, these are the kind of fanatics who…

Where are their loud voices now?

Andrew Sullivan challenges those who remain silent over the American use of torture. Indeed, the vast majority of neo-cons, including in Australia, have raised no complaints about the deliberate US policy of often killing innocent prisoners. The moral bankruptcy is clear: There is, I think, a great difficulty for some in accepting that the torture…

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