Why can’t the Iraqis just love being killed?

Think Progress reports on the latest neo-con attempt to defend American violence in Iraq: AEI’s Fred Kagan, the architect of the Iraq surge, has a history of grossly misreading events on the ground in Iraq. In August 2007, amidst the height of skyrocketing violence in Iraq, Kagan claimed that “sectarian deaths” were “way down.” After…

Migration leads to this?

Haaretz’s Lily Galili, talking to Israeli author Bernard Avishai, on the Russian Jewish population of Israel and its profound issues with reality: This is very Russian, the idea that ”˜liberalism’ is holy and yet something for Jewish suckers, which is why they have such common language with American neo-conservatives.…  Natan Sharansky is in many ways…

Can we skin them alive and watch?

“War on terror” soldiers, fight to keep Guantanamo Bay open: Why? Just ask one of the organisers of the above TV ad: Closing Gitmo is just plain wrong. It is a slander against the professionalism of our troops at Gitmo who are guarding some of the most evil monsters running around this rock we call…

Just don’t mention the settlements

Think Progress blogger Matthew Yglesias challenges the militant Zionist view that peace in the Middle East will only come when Iran is crushed: Israel’s Palestinian problem is fairly simple to define—there are millions of Palestinians living in Israeli-controlled territory. To preserve its Jewish character, Israel doesn’t want to give these Palestinians the rights of Israeli…

Time to celebrate the dude’s mediocrity

Remember Joe the Plumber? Mr Average recently went to the Israel/Gaza border and told a startled media pack that journalists “should be abolished from war reporting”. From that tough assignment – repeating Israeli PR lines was surely exhausting – he’ll soon be appearing in Washington DC at the Pajamas TV Conservatism 2.0 Conference. At what…

The moral collapse of modern Zionism

Israel is a vibrant democracy that “abides by the rule of law.” So writes pro-war blogger Michael Yon, who was enthralled after hearing Israeli politician and probable next leader Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem a few days ago. The pro-forma nature of such platitudes is amusing to read, not least this: “If you want to see…

Enemies here, enemies everywhere

The Third Jihad is “a groundbreaking film [that] exposes the truth and reveals what the media is not telling you about the Jihadist quest to rule America”: This kind of film comes around pretty regularly these days. This is how it works. A bunch of neo-cons find a Muslim to denounce the “radicals” within their…

It’s not always about Tehran

Trita Parsi, one of the finest writers on Iran’s relationship with America, counters Zionist propaganda that blames Iran for being the secret hand behind the behaviour of Hamas: In talking about the assault on Gaza, neo-conservative pundits and Israeli hardliners have relied on a familiar frame. The fighting in Gaza, they say, is a struggle…

Israel, you’ve gone too far

My latest article for New Matilda is about Israel’s lies in Gaza: The international Jewish community is divided over the latest offensive in Gaza, writes Antony Loewenstein When the fighting eventually ends between Israel and Hamas, what will remain of the Gaza Strip and its people? One local Zionist leader will have us believe that…

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