Zionists who murder

The neo-conservatives, many of whom are Jewish, are a little concerned that history will judge them as racists who aimed to destroy the Middle East by military means. They should be worried.

Obama: new neo-con?

My latest New Matilda column is about the incoming Obama administration and its likely foreign policy: Will Obama resist Zionist pressure and reveal his progressive side on Israel? Writing from the US, Antony Loewenstein isn’t optimistic I’m currently in the US on a book tour and I’ve been struck by the ubiquitous belief that Obama…

Since when is stupidity a positive?

When will the US anti-intellectual intellectuals – supposed conservatives, many of whom are radical Zionists, who praise the “working class” yet live in self-absorded bubbles – face a reckoning for years of supporting a culture war that shuns nuance and celebrates militarism and simplicity? Not a moment too soon. As for Jews in this sordid…

Kill more Arabs, save democracy

Not sure what Barack Obama’s win means for the world? Allow Melanie Phillips to explain: …America is in the process of changing – not just demographically by becoming less white and more diverse, but as the result of a culture war in which western civilisation is losing out to a far-left agenda which has become…

Oh, Palin, where art thou?

Leading neo-con Michael Ledeen sheds a tear: The continued trashing of Sarah Palin — IMHO the most qualified and by far the most exciting candidate of the four — is very disappointing… Of course, Ledeen’s judgement is notoriously suspect, having supported pretty much every war against the Arab world in the last decades.

From Iraq to Washington

Barack Obama appears to have personally benefited from funds originating in Saddam Hussein’s regime. What, you didn’t know this gem (courtesy of an increasingly frightened neo-con fringe)?

Watching the clueless squirm

Former CIA agent “Werther” explains what a likely Obama victory would do to the usual suspects in the US political and media establishment: The American political system also perceives cases of countries “testing” or “challenging” the United States in many instances where the country in question has a perfect right to pursue its own policies…

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