The calculating chameleon

My following book review appears in today’s Weekend Australian newspaper: The Man Who Pushed America to War By Aram Roston Nation Books, 400pp, $49.95 Ahmed Chalabi, the chameleon-like Iraqi exile who fed bogus intelligence about weapons of mass destruction to the Bush administration and to willing media, told Britain’s The Daily Telegraph in 2004 that…

Just what the US needs

Joseph Biden is Barack Obama’s Vice-Presidential pick. Hold the excitement. Biden will supposedly provide foreign policy “experience” and gravitas to Obama’s youthful exuberance (or so the mainstream media likes to call it, in typically meaningless bluster.) Counterpunch’s Alexander Cockburn tells it like it is: His [Biden’s] “experience” in foreign affairs consists in absolute fidelity to…

What sensible Jews should support

Following the worldwide release last week of a Jewish petition opposing a military strike against Iran – signed by any number of Jews from across the world, including Noam Chomsky and yours truly – now this from the neo-con Commentary blog: Speaking of useful idiots, last week activist website The Struggle published an appeal in…

How to lose Jewish friends in one easy step

Naomi Ragen is a prominent American-Israeli writer and playwright about to visit Melbourne for the writer’s festival. She is a typical, radical Zionist who believes that “terrorists” should be killed by the Jewish state. “We need to kill these people”, she told the Sydney Morning Herald today. Her message of peace? No withdrawals from occupied,…

Living in a Zionist bubble

You think the neo-cons are dead? Dead wrong, they’re pushing America or Israel to military strike Iran and seem to have no idea about the possible consequences. Extremist Zionism lives another day:

Engaging, not hectoring, China

My following article appears in the Amnesty International Australia’s Uncensor campaign about human rights in China: The future of human rights in China after the Games will require constant negotiation and patience, writes Antony Loewenstein The Olympics are nearly upon us (and dog is allegedly banned from sale during the event.) Beijing residents are reporting…

Who’s looking bad now?

My friend Mike Otterman, author of American Torture, writes for the Guardian Comment is Free in response to Christopher Hitchens’ piece in Vanity Fair claiming water-boarding is torture…yet suggesting America is somehow not as bad as those repressive regimes…who also use torture: Now, neoconservative pundit Christopher Hitchens has waded into the debate. In a new…

Don’t even hug them

Those poor neo-conservatives hate being blamed for the failure of the Iraq war. They want sympathy and a fair hearing. We shouldn’t give it to them.

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