No End in Sight film

Last night at the Sydney Film Festival I watched the Oscar-nominated documentary, No End in Sight. It tells the devastating story of Iraq’s descent into chaos, as told by the some of the key insiders from the Pentagon, State Department, mainstream media and Bush administration. Although at times it appears to be suggesting that the…

This is what Jews have become?

Typical Zionist depravity towards Iran, this time courtesy of former deputy defense minister Ephraim Sneh: “I am reading the world picture, and it is depressing. The Jews will stand alone against evil in the end.” There is a growing body of evidence that indicates Israel may well attack Iran in the not-too-distant future, with or…

The “national suicide” myth

George Bisharat, Los Angeles Times, June 9: Anew buzzword is arising from the network of Israeli think tanks and security-oriented academic departments bent on instigating a U.S. attack on Iran: “national suicide.” The term describes a supposed Arab Muslim tradition of politically motivated suicide at the national, not just individual, level. Arab Muslim regimes have…

Who did we go to war for, Daddy?

Staggering (if true): Defense Department counterintelligence investigators suspected that Iranian exiles who provided dubious intelligence on Iraq and Iran to a small group of Pentagon officials might have “been used as agents of a foreign intelligence service … to reach into and influence the highest levels of the U.S. government,” a Senate Intelligence Committee report…

What do Jews really think?

What is it with hardline Zionism and its wish to bomb other countries? First Iraq, now discussion about Iran, the Jewish establishment’s embrace of the “war on terror” rhetoric highlights a fundamentally anti-democratic, draconian, insecure and racist mindset (not least because most of the victims of a government’s over-zealous plans are directed against Muslims.) And…

They don’t speak for all

What the hardline Zionist lobby offers the Middle East (war, occupation and terror.) (When will the mainstream Jewish community reject these extremist views publicly, considering a majority of Americans, according to a new Gallop Poll, believe in engagement with Washington’s “enemies”?)

The opposite of Bush?

Joshua Landis, founder of Syria Comment blog, tells the American Conservative what hardline Zionists are currently fretting about: The anxiety on the part of the Jewish Right is that Obama is the Manchurian candidate, that he has secret sympathy with Muslims, and the whole war of terror which relies on demonizing Islam isn’t going to…

Please bomb us immediately

Headline on a leading conservative, American website on May 20: Iranians Would Welcome Airstrikes, Sources Say. The Iranian people will supposedly welcome being attacked by Freedom Bombs and feel liberated just like the Iraqis.

Please don’t elect this man

“As far as people who advise me,” [John] McCain went on, though I still hadn’t asked a question, “probably one of my most trusted advisers for the last 30 years is Henry Kissinger, not known as a hawk or a neocon.” Yes, that war criminal Kissinger.

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