Don’t even think about bombing Iran after Wikileaks release

Another angle of the Wikileaks information dump is the way in which it may be used to justify military action against Tehran. Foreign Policy’s Marc Lynch explains and refutes that bogus comparison (neo-cons and the Zionist lobby, are you listening?) Most of the response to the WikiLeaks Afghanistan document release thus far has focused on…

What the web has done for honest Mid-East debate (eg. helped)

Following the desperate smear of neo-con Lee Smith against dissenting bloggers on the Middle East, two leading writers weigh in. Max Blumenthal explains how how frustrating it must be Zionists who simply can’t believe that their views are no longer sacrosant. And Israel Lobby co-author Steve Walt explains that the blogosphere has truly liberated debate…

Neo-con would like Israel to be a protected species online

A sadly predictable article in Tablet claiming that some prominent online writers and bloggers are “using the Internet to make anti-Semitism respectable.” Seriously, because a handful of comments on a website may be anti-Semitic – and depends who you ask when defining that troubled word – people like Glenn Greenwald and the Mondoweiss website are…

How to show dedication to Israel the “liberal” way

New neo-con group Emergency Committee for Israel recently produced a TV ad slamming the supposedly suspect politician Joe Sestak. Now, more liberal Zionist lobby J Street has released a counter attack that shows how much Sestak in fact loves Israel. Seriously, if this is the way to move the debate forward in the US, we’re…

West Bank and Gaza separated by more than space

While American neo-cons (many of them Jewish) continue to push for a military strike against Iran and Israeli “democracy” decreases by the day – witness the story of a key Jewish dissident, Yonatan Shapira, being interrogated by Israeli intelligence for daring to support BDS. Hilariously, he’s asked to feel sorry for soldiers maintaining the West…

When Christian and Jewish fundies get together to make sweet love

New neo-con group The Emergency Committee for Israel have some charming friends on-board. Aside from king-maker William Kristol – a Jew with a lot of time to make war against the Muslim world – there’s Gary Bauer, a former Republican presidential candidate. Here’s Bauer a few years ago: God granted the Land of Israel to…

When killing “enemies” is the default media position

A leading British former counter-terrorism official says that his country’s “war on terror” has been an abject failure, alienated Muslims and increased the chances of terrorism. The CIA’s former top counter-terrorism official claims that the use of contracting in the “war on terror” is a good thing and Washington’s post 9/11 posture has been one…

Petraeus dying to be seen as pro-Israel

Oh dear: Last March General David Petraeus, then head of Central Command, sought to undercut his own testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee that was critical of Israel by intriguing with a rightwing… writer to put out a different story, in emails obtained by Mondoweiss. The emails show Petraeus encouraging Max Boot of Commentary to…

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