Neo-conservatism in Europe

A fascinating review of a new French book about French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner. The thesis, simply put, is that the humanitarian interventions pushed by the French elite are essentially the same as American neo-conservatives. Democracy promotion is the tag; military power is the supposed answer: Kouchner has spent the last three decades trying to…

The message the Iranians should hear

New York Times columnist Roger Cohen, who has spent this year writing extensively about Iran and Israel/Palestine, sends his latest dispatch from the streets of Tehran: When I was here earlier this year, I argued that Iran was an unfree and repressive society but also a nation offering significant margins of liberty, at least by…

An Iran we could love

The Iranian election is tough and unpredictable. The internet has become a key battleground in the struggle. This letter, published in the Guardian, offers an insight into a different future: We are a group of Iranian academic and anti-war activists in Europe and the US who, in the past few years, have consistently defended Iran‘s…

The Jews who really need an Iranian bad-man

MJ Rosenberg gets it in one: Foreign Policy’s Laura Rozen has a great piece on what might be happening in Iran. The madman could lose. It seems like almost too much to hope for. But, as I noted earlier, there is some evidence that the neocons are worried. They want Ahmadinejad in there because without…

How to describe the Gaza experience

Jewish writer and blogger Phil Weiss recently returned from Gaza. His latest report is stunning: Over two weeks in the Middle East, I came to the idea that Israel/Palestine has become an epicenter of hatred; and hatred flows out to the outside world from both sides. The insistence that all of Palestine is Palestinian and…

Bomb and bomb some more

In the mind of Canada’s neo-con paper The National Post, it’s perfectly acceptable to bomb civilians in the name of the “war on terror” against “terrorists”. It’s curious that the paper positively compares Israel’s war against Gaza and Sri Lanka’s onslaught against the Tamils. That two such rogue nations should get together isn’t surprising; they…

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