When torture isn’t really about crushing a child’s balls

How we love the New York Times…to obfuscate our crimes: “Reports indicate meatbag tenderizing procedures”; “War logs show bothersome physical solicitations”; “Leaked war logs reveal that for which there is no emoticon” Hitting the refresh button repeatedly, one can view dozens of other absurd headlines. The absurdity is the point, Rob Beschizza told me in…

How the MSM loves to smear Assange

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on the establishment media’s constant and obsessive campaign to discredit Julian Assange. Shooting the messenger is an old tactic but now corporate journalists are joining in: It’s not hard to see why The New York Times, CNN and so many other establishment media outlets are eager to do that. … Serving the Government’s…

Because Ahmadinejad fits a necessary hole in the enemy gallery

Roger Cohen writes in the New York Times that the world (and Israel especially) needs to not frame Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the devil incarnate but that’s exactly what the Zionists must do; the new “Hitler” has arrived: Ahmadinejad is a one-trick pony. His thing is double standards. Ask about the Iranian nuclear program,…

Grass-roots populism backed by hard-right ideologues

Frank Rich in the New York Times on the billionaires running the Tea Party movement: Election Day is now only a month away. The demoralized Democrats are held hostage by the unemployment numbers. And along comes this marvelous gift out of nowhere, Christine O’Donnell, Tea Party everywoman, who just may be the final ingredient needed…

Whatever you do, don’t allow Cuba use its own resources

The New York Times: “This isn’t about ideology. It’s about oil spills,” said Lee Hunt, president of the International Association of Drilling Contractors, a trade group that is trying to broaden bilateral contacts to promote drilling safety. “Political attitudes have to change in order to protect the gulf.” Yes, muscling in on potentially massive reserves…

Please sir, can I buy some votes for you?

Powerful editorial in the New York Times on the weekend that shows the kind of kabuki democracy at play in the US of A: For all the headlines about the Tea Party and blind voter anger, the most disturbing story of this year’s election is embodied in an odd combination of numbers and letters: 501(c)(4).…

Murdoch’s love of illegality in the pursuit of hacked calls

A stunning piece of investigative journalism by the New York Times on the News of the World in the UK and its sordid relationship with Scotland Yard: In November 2005, three senior aides to Britain’s royal family noticed odd things happening on their mobile phones. Messages they had never listened to were somehow appearing in…

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