Everybody is seduced by Kissinger

What a disappointment. New York Times columnist Roger Cohen writes a column where he tells us he was called by war criminal Henry Kissinger and he rather enjoyed the experience: Henry Kissinger called me, which does not happen often, but does happen on the eve of World Cups — a reflection of a shared obsession…

Welcome to what Gazans were saying four years ago

While a new French reality program pits Israelis and Palestinians under constant watch to learn more about the other (and hopefully not worsen stereotypes), the New York Times decides to finally report on the inevitable: the siege on Gaza has failed and perhaps a different strategy should be employed. But note the tone. Israel was…

Australia’s Zionist lobby demands government loyalty

So the New York Times features a story this week headlined, “Washington Asks: What to Do About Israel?” Its opening sentence: Some topics are so inflammatory that they are never discussed without first inserting a number of caveats. Of course in Australia any serious discussion about Israeli policy or Australia’s relationship with the Jewish state…

Talk to Hamas now, says Turkey

While the New York Times calls for better relations between Israel and Turkey – and even urges Israel to end its siege on Gaza – Ankara has its own ideas about moving forward (via The Cable): As the crisis over a deadly Israeli commando raid on a vessel carrying Turkish activists continued to command the…

New York Times finds a way to feel Israel’s pain

Mondoweiss would like to know why the American corporate press is structurally designed to love/defend Israel: The New York Times’ Isabel Kershner reports more than 10 dead and then offers the following grotesque commentary: “The criticism [of Israel over the attack] offered a propaganda coup to Israel’s foes, particularly the Hamas group that holds sway…

Solving the Iran “crisis” really isn’t that difficult (if we want to)

A handy reminder by Noam Chomsky from 2008 that the corporate press have a particular interest in mouthing US foreign policy goals (and all this is relevant in light of the ongoing irrational hatred against the Islamic Republic): To take another illustration of the depth of the imperial mentality, New York Times correspondent Elaine Sciolino…

Give a gun to every American and see how that goes

What an insane country (via the New York Times editorial page): Congress, for example, is cowering before the gun lobby insistence that even terrorist suspects who are placed on the “no-fly list” must not be denied the right to buy and bear arms. Suspects on that list purchased more than 1,100 weapons in the last…

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