Iraq in 2010

One of America’s finest journalists, Nir Rosen – fearless, intense and unafraid to embed with the “enemy” – writes that Iraq is not likely to descend back into chaos (but the West has still created a sick experiment in post-dictatorship development, something welcomed by the New York Times’ Thomas Friedman): It’s been frustrating to read…

The means and methods of killing Israeli enemies (and who who admire them)

Mossad’s supposedly legendary ability to murder so-called “enemies” is praised by many Jews but simply shows the illegality of Israeli actions. The recent killing in Dubai of a Hamas operative – according to former New York Times journalist and Iraq WMD story-teller Judith Miller, this was Israel’s third attempt – alerted the world to such…

New York Times Jerusalem reporter remains a story (as it should)

The story of New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner having a son now enlisted in the IDF continues to cause angst across the world. This Al-Jazeera report outlines the issues and provides evidence for the prosecution, namely that Bronner’s reporting is inherently more sympathetic to the Zionist line: The Times itself has followed…

How to make a film in the Warsaw Ghetto

The New York Times reports on the just finished Sundance Film Festival and highlights the growing fascination with the documentary form. What is truth is always a key question: Documentaries are hot stuff at festivals like Sundance and sometimes at the art house too, even as the discussion of their relationship to the truth often…

Calling all Jews, please help us sell the vibrant state of Israel

Israel’s liberals have become politically invisible. The country is therefore increasingly run by the right and far-right. Hooray for them. In light of the Jewish state’s shocking global image (aside from the political elites who love its plucky nature and war against Palestinians), the Israeli government has a wonderful idea (it’s truly hard to read…

Where is the Tea Party movement going?

A fascinating New York Times feature about the Tea Party movement in the US. To ignore it is foolish but we shouldn’t be under any illusion why growing anger exists in the US. Race, the economy, disillusionment and fear. A toxic mix: Pam Stout wakes each morning, turns on Fox News, grabs coffee and an…

The New York Times and its Zionist blind spot

The issue of New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief, Ethan Bronner, and the now confirmed state of his son in the IDF, is causing waves across the web. The paper’s Public Editor comments: There are so many considerations swirling around this case: Bronner is a superb reporter. Nobody at The Times wants to give in…

America watches China pass it by on the road to development

It’s hard not to read this story from yesterday’s New York Times and conclude that the journalist and paper are internally petrified that the place of America in the world is decreasing, its influence waning: China vaulted past competitors in Denmark, Germany, Spain and the United States last year to become the world’s largest maker…

New York Times needs to come clean on journalist’s conflicts

The question of New York Times Jerusalem chief Ethan Bronner and whether his son is in the IDF is thrashed out by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting: The decisions of Bronner’s son, however, are not the issue. What the Times needs to ask itself is whether it expects that its bureau chief has the normal…

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