The internet leads coverage of Israel’s East Jerusalem cleansing

The Jerusalem Post explains why the growing public protests over Sheikh Jarrah have been helped greatly by the web (and ironically, the failure of the Western press to adequately report an issue a few kilometres from their offices): Social media sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, along with a slew of blogs, are playing an…

New York Times continues to shield Americans from Mid-east truth

How much longer must we suffer through this nonsense? Here’s David Brooks in the New York Times, writing about the wonderful technology in Israel and its inspiration to the world. With growing amount of information getting out that shows Israel is an oppressive nation, Zionist propagandists, especially in the US, need to ramp up the…

New York Times encourages avoidance tourism in Sri Lanka

Since the end of the brutal civil war in Sri Lanka, global campaigns have emerged that urged a boycott of the island nation. Colombo must pay a price for its barbarity. Rather than even considering this, the New York Times simply places the country as one of the hottest tourist destinations of 2010. Tamil Justice…

How the Gaza Freedom March brought the assembled crowd together

The last days of the Gaza Freedom March here in Cairo were hectic, inspiring, frustrating and energising. The collective goal was to enter Gaza, but alas, that wasn’t to happen. I’m currently sharing a room with a girl who just returned from Gaza, and was quoted in the New York Times, and she tells of…

Iran may be moving to a country we don’t recognise

The disparate opposition in Iran continues to grow. Anti-government protests show no sign of stopping. If anything, they’re getting more brazen. The New York Times columnist Roger Cohen outlines a possible way forward (and gels with my experiences there in 2007, a people maybe looking for change, but not a revolution): Something has to give,…

Breaking through American blindness over Gaza

The New York Times covers today’s protests in Israel and Palestine over the Gaza crisis: Hundreds of demonstrators gathered on both sides of the Israeli-Gazan border on Thursday to mark a year since Israel’s three-week war in Gaza, and to call for an end to the blockade of the area imposed by Israel and Egypt.…

New York Times recognises the Gaza Freedom March

In a sign of its significance, the New York Times finally covers the Gaza Freedom March and the political machinations behind the scenes. Such information arriving in the pages of the Times is important, a signal that the American political elite has to finally acknowledge the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and Palestine as a whole:…

Understand that last year’s Gaza assault was only the beginning

Gazans are remembering their dead after Israel’s attack. But according to the New York Times: In the year since Israel launched its devastating military offensive against Hamas in Gaza, the country’s political and military leaders have faced intense international condemnation and accusations of possible war crimes. But Israel seems to have few qualms. Officials and…

Nobody buys the Times spin on Israel’s Damascus conversion

The New York Times tries to convince its readers that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has changed his views and now believes in a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Seriously, are these articles written by the Israeli Foreign Ministry? One curious mention, however, is this: The [settlement] freeze was less than what was demanded by…

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