Israeli asks the world to understand his pain and trauma

The New York Times has clearly taken the decision to not overly focus on the devastating UN report over Israel’s war against Gaza. Today they publish an odd piece by David Landau, the former editor of Haaretz: Israel intentionally went after civilians in Gaza — and wrapped its intention in lies. That chilling — and…

The mainstream price for questioning Zionism

Following this month’s release of the film about leading US Jewish historian Norman Finkelstein, American Radical, it’s worth recalling how he made his name. Below is taken from Noam Chomsky’s 2002 book, Understanding Power: How many of you know about Joan Peters, the book by Joan Peters? There was this best-seller a few years ago…

Israel isn’t mature enough to examine its crimes

Yet more Zionist anger over the UN’s Gaza report. The American Jewish Committee writes in the New York Times that the UN is biased against Israel and the Jewish state is the eternal victim. The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg desperately claims that anti-Semitism is actually the real reason behind criticism of Israel: A number of loyal…

What the UN Gaza study says about Israel

There is so much fascinating analysis over the UN Gaza report. A choice collection below: Amira Hass in Haaretz: Like the Serbs of yore, we Israelis continue thinking it’s the world that is wrong, and only we who are right. Israel struck a civilian population that remains under its control, it didn’t fulfill its obligation…

How much of an internal threat are Israel’s home-grown enemies?

The New York Times investigates the Jewish settler movement and argues that removing them from illegal colonies will be less of a problem than is generally assumed: Of the hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers in the West Bank, those who live in unauthorized hilltop outposts like this one, a hardscrabble unpaved collection of 20…

Many young Jews don’t see Israel as the promised land

The New York Times publishes this weekend a feature on the “pro-peace and pro-Israel” lobby J Street (a group I’ve mentioned many times here.) The piece is important, for no other reason than it tells the world that not all Jews subscribe to the fanatical Greater Israel mindset. Sure, the writer talks about the “very…

A journalist’s price for going undercover

This smells fishy (and displays the kind of overly macho attitude all-too-common in the “war on terror”): Hostage negotiators expressed shock and anger at Gordon Brown’s decision to approve a commando raid to free a kidnapped British journalist, saying that they were within days of securing his release through peaceful means. Stephen Farrell — who…

Iran’s true face is not hard to see

The New York Times writes a spot-on editorial: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran is preparing to come to the United Nations this month where he will enjoy the freedom to speak his mind. Back home, far too many people are denied their basic rights and are deprived of their freedom. Since fraudulent presidential elections in…

The changing spots of the Gaza Strip under Hamas

During my recent visit to Gaza, I investigated the role of growing Islamisation in the Strip. The New York Times writes today about the story and finds a conflicted territory: Iyad el-Serraj, a psychiatrist and close observer here, said there was little doubt that Gaza, long a religiously and socially conservative place, was increasingly so.…

Iraq’s oil is attractive to all

It’s long been argued that oil was a key reason behind the Iraq war. Western multinationals are central in this campaign but, as the New York Times reports today, we shouldn’t forget the role of the leading Communist nation: When China’s biggest oil company signed the first post-invasion oil field development contract in Iraq last…

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