Not everything democratic revolves around Washington

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) reminds us that writers of the US corporate media like people to know the uniqueness of the US: In a News Analysis piece (7/11/09), New York Times reporter Adam Nossiter attempts to illustrate the difference between some African countries and more enlightened nations, writing: The gulf separating the West…

The gift the US gave to Iraq

The Angry Arab: Thomas Friedman is embedded in Iraq. He sums up the American legacy in Iraq: “we also left a million acts of kindness and a profound example of how much people of different backgrounds can accomplish when they work together.” Million acts? That must be an estimate of the Iraqi dead.

How the Palestinians should not be ruled

The reality of the US “vision” for Palestine: Charity, checkpoints and client rulers. No wonder, therefore, that the Palestinian Prime Minister is so warmly welcomed in the US by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman:

The blood of possible revolution

Murder and mayhem on the streets of Tehran: A wonderfully moving report from the New York Times‘ Roger Cohen on the ground and Robert Fisk. The Islamic Republic appears to be in serious trouble.

The message the Iranians should hear

New York Times columnist Roger Cohen, who has spent this year writing extensively about Iran and Israel/Palestine, sends his latest dispatch from the streets of Tehran: When I was here earlier this year, I argued that Iran was an unfree and repressive society but also a nation offering significant margins of liberty, at least by…

Why aren’t Jews outraged by Israeli occupation?

My following article appears in leading Israeli daily Haaretz: During this year’s AIPAC conference in Washington, Executive Director Howard Kohr warned the 7,000-plus crowd that the global movement to “delegitimize Israel” was gathering steam. “These voices are laying the predicate for an abandonment,” he said. His sentiments were almost apocalyptic: “The stakes in that battle…

Watch the rage rise

The New York Times has a good feature on the political realities in Iran; President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a powerful and shrewd man: Whether his 63 percent victory is truly the will of the people or the result of fraud, it demonstrated that Mr. Ahmadinejad is the shrewd and ruthless front man for a clerical,…

Forgetting that Israel is an occupier

Jewish anti-Zionist writer Shraga Elam emails just the latest example of mainstream Israeli racism: On 26.5.2009 “Channel 2” cameras photographed Betar players among them the star Amit Ben Shoshan singing very happily after they won the Israeli cup a song popular among their fans. A song that goes like this: What’s Salim doing here? Don’t…

How to be a whore for your country

On the long flight from Sydney to New York, I read this fascinating 1977 article by Carl Bernstein, published in Rolling Stone, about the relationship during the Cold War between the CIA and the media. The New York Times, Time Inc, CBS and ABC are all implicated. He writes: The CIA’s use of the American…

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