Wishful thinking and hard facts

The New York Times editorialised yesterday that it hoped and prayed Israel’s new government was serious about peace. It surely knows the truth; namely that every single Israeli government for decades has continued to expand the illegal colonies in the occupied territories: If Mr. Netanyahu is serious about being a partner for peace, he will…

Still waiting for Jews to see the writing on the wall

New York Times columnist Roger Cohen – who has spent the last months challenging his country’s relationship with Iran and the Jewish state – continues this recent trend today by explaining why Washington must stop offering Israel unconditional support: Obama’s new Middle Eastern diplomacy and engagement will involve reining in Israeli bellicosity and a probable…

Africa, land of confusion

For The New York Times, clearly the natives have escaped: The New York Times‘ Peter Baker reports today (3/18/09) that Obama has tapped “a Swahili-speaking retired Air Force officer who grew up in Africa as the son of missionaries” to be his special envoy to Sudan. Does Baker or his Times editors realize that they…

All the PR money can buy won’t help

The New York Times can’t quite bring itself to explain why the Jewish state has become so hatred around the world; actions speak louder than words. Talking about peace is easy; occupying and killing Palestinians shows the globe the country’s true face: Israel, whose founding idea was branded as racism by the United Nations General…

Jews really aren’t that special

David Shasha is a major progressive intellectual leader of the American Sephardic community. He sends out a weekly email newsletter with articles of interest related to Jewish issues and the Middle East. His latest missive contains the following passage, relevant here because of yet more evidence of the Jewish establishment arguing it should be somehow…

Why this war on drugs is absurd

Evo Morales, New York Times, March 14: This week in Vienna, a meeting of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs took place that will help shape international antidrug efforts for the next 10 years. I attended the meeting to reaffirm Bolivia’s commitment to this struggle but also to call for the reversal of a…

Popping off some enemies

American investigator reporter Seymour Hersh drops a bombshell. America, land of the sanctioned killers? “Right now, today, there was a story in the New York Times that if you read it carefully mentioned something known as the Joint Special Operations Command — JSOC it’s called. It is a special wing of our special operations community…

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