Stay home Hillary, if that’s all you got

My latest New Matilda column is about the Obama administration’s first foray into the Middle East: On Palestine it’s hard to tell the difference between Obama and Bush. But while the US and Israel block progress, there are small signs of movement, writes Antony Loewenstein The number of people who believe in the two-state solution…

Yes, this is a democracy

Al Jazeera on the media wars in Venezuela and the ways in which so much of the Western press, including the New York Times, simply echo Washington’s positions:

The quiet Jewish calm

New York Times columnist Roger Cohen on the relationship between Iran and its Jewish minority. Like I wrote in my book, The Blogging Revolution, the myth of Jews being oppressed in the Islamic Republic is simply propaganda.

Change the tone and people will listen

Roger Cohen, New York Times, February 1: It’s time to think again, not merely to recalibrate old formulas, in order to end the three-decade impasse in U.S.-Iranian ties, a breakdown of huge cost and menace. A non-relationship has locked itself in stereotypes as American threats (“the military option must be kept on the table”) and…

What the Americans will need to say

The following letter was sent to the New York Times on January 13 by Charles D. Smith, professor of Middle East History at the University of Arizona: Mark Landerler’s discussion of differing opinions among US Mideast experts vying for key positions in the Obama administration (“From US Experts on Mideast, There’s No Shortage of Advice”…

Best to protect their delicate eyes

Why aren’t the true words and feelings of Taghreed El-Khodary,…  the New York Times stringer in Gaza, appearing in the pages of the paper? (Instead, the paper prefers to mock critics of its Middle East coverage. No wonder it’s financially screwed.)

The American mind moves slowly

The US House and Senate competed yesterday to see who could be most pro-Israel. Meanwhile, back in reality, even the slavishly pro-Zionist New York Times may be opening its eyes to Israeli aggression.

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