Besieged from the inside?

My latest article for New Matilda discusses the troubles ahead for Israel: Radical Zionists made gains under Ehud Olmert, but their actions are pushing Israel towards catastrophe. The new Prime Minister must stop the settlers, writes Antony Loewenstein In mid-September, during the dying days of his leadership, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert boldly stated that…

How to write and get things wrong

Yes: New York Times columnist Tom Friedman, the premier public intellectual of blindly cheerleading globalization, has been wrong about nearly everything, ever. He is hailed as a foreign policy genius, and of course he was dead wrong on Iraq. He is hailed as a brilliant economist, and maybe he is, but his magical flat global…

Don’t offend the Right

The myth of the “liberal media” in the US. Glenn Greenwald demolishes the lie: …The greatest and most transparent myth in American politics is that the U.S. has a “liberal media.” That is a myth that is maintained, first and foremost, by defining anyone who isn’t Rush Limbaugh as a “liberal.” Hence, people such as…

The calculating chameleon

My following book review appears in today’s Weekend Australian newspaper: The Man Who Pushed America to War By Aram Roston Nation Books, 400pp, $49.95 Ahmed Chalabi, the chameleon-like Iraqi exile who fed bogus intelligence about weapons of mass destruction to the Bush administration and to willing media, told Britain’s The Daily Telegraph in 2004 that…

Jewish international opposition statement against attack on Iran

I am a signatory, along with Noam Chomsky and a number of other Jews around the world, to the following petition, currently being spread far and wide: Efforts to beat the drums of war for an attack on Iran’s nuclear reactor facilities are promoted in both the USA and Israel scenes. … The recent New York…

Engaging, not hectoring, China

My following article appears in the Amnesty International Australia’s Uncensor campaign about human rights in China: The future of human rights in China after the Games will require constant negotiation and patience, writes Antony Loewenstein The Olympics are nearly upon us (and dog is allegedly banned from sale during the event.) Beijing residents are reporting…

The time to read quality

Chris Hedges, Democracy Now!, July 29: The average reader of the paper copy of the New York Times spends forty-five minutes reading the paper. The average viewer of the New York Times website spends about seven minutes. The internet is not designed for a literate society. We are moving into a post-literate society, a society…

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