A number of ways to kill an Arab

Wikileaks, one of the most important websites at the moment for releasing information bound to embarrass the establishment, scores another exclusive: American military forces in Iraq were authorized to pursue former members of Saddam Hussein’s government and terrorists across Iraq’s borders into Iran and Syria, according to a classified 2005 document that has been made…

A reporter’s job

Never. Turn. On. The. Bush. Administration. But if you do, and you’re a journalist revealing a secretive and illegal program, expect to be hounded and possibly prosecuted for simply doing your job. All journalists should express solidarity with any reporter, from the left or right, attacked by an institution that specialises in war crimes.

The online future is shared?

Afraid that Google has far too much power in the marketplace? David Eun, Google’s VP of Content Partnerships, tries to calm the fear: The biggest misconception is that they fear Google has aspirations to become a media company, meaning that we would produce and own content that would compete against theirs. That’s a major misconception.…

Occupation as a permanent state of affairs

Who said the New York Times, a supposedly “liberal” publication, isn’t still publishing one of its lead writers to continually call for an indefinite American presence in Iraq? This is what “serious” journalists do.

This is what “liberal” commentators think

Back in 2003, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman talked about his reasons for backing the Iraq war: What they needed to see was American boys and girls going house to house, from Basra to Baghdad, um and basically saying, ‘Which part of this sentence don’t you understand?’ You don’t think, you know, we care…

Let’s talk about Jewish power

Jewish blogger Philip Weiss examines the ways in which the issue of Jewish power is rarely discussed in the mainstream, but clearly needs to be if the disasters of the Bush administration are to be fully examined. Why can’t we talk openly about the role of Jews and Israel behind the Iraq war? Why can’t…

Kill Arabs, work for the Times

Want to be a New York Times columnist? Embrace endless war, hate Arabs, fellate Israel, never apologise for issuing countless bogus accounts about Iraq, the terror “threat’ and WMDs. William Kristol, welcome to your new gig.

Making friends in all the wrong places

2007 was the year of Facebook, according to one media commentator. Newspapers now have little choice but to adapt to the online world. The days of print may never end, but they’re certainly in serious decline. But more fundamental questions remain. How does the American consumer actually view the products they’re consuming? The Pew Research…

This is what liberation looks like

Journalist Dahr Jamail, author of the stunning Beyond the Green Zone, reflects on the mainstream media’s acceptance of White House talking points over Iraq: It is true that there have been fewer American soldiers killed in Baghdad and the number of Iraqis fleeing to Syria has declined. However, this relatively quieter security situation needs to…

Hugo unpacked

Latin American expert Justin Delacour explains the significance of the electoral defeat of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela: I think Chavez’s defeat yesterday will encourage an introspection in the Chavez movement and a critical debate which is long overdue for them. Obviously errors were committed, otherwise the dramatic decline from 63 percent of the vote just…

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