Not going there

The New York Times is supposedly the finest newspaper in the world (well, they certainly think so.) Two articles to dispel those myths here and here. Simply put, the paper is designed to tell the establishment how to think and what to think. For example, its relatively recent opposition to the Iraq war – after…

The price of “freedom”

The New York Times page one story today is about Baghdad’s improved security. The facts seem to speak for themselves. And yet: The security improvements in most neighborhoods are real. Days now pass without a car bomb, after a high of 44 in the city in February. The number of bodies appearing on Baghdad’s streets…

Let him own everything

Rupert Murdoch would like to own the New York Times. And why not? Isn’t it terribly unfair that one man can’t simply own all media outlets in a country? Poor Rupert. He’d probably really enjoy life in a one-party state where all the media is controlled by a central authority.

Don’t ignore the nutters

Frank Rich comforts himself in the New York Times: Whichever candidate or party lands in the White House, this much is certain: Inauguration Day 2009 is at the very least Armageddon for the reigning ayatollahs of the American right. Really? This is a dangerous delusion not borne out by the facts. One example will suffice…

Head says yes, body says no

Lesson number 2521 in journalism: Never trust a New York Times columnist, such as David Brooks, who regularly meets with the US President and believes, after reading his body language, that he won’t attack Iran. Yes, he’s paid for these “insights.”

Rudy and his love of Ayrabs

The New York Times‘ Maureen Dowd is an astute commentator who sometimes think she’s cleverer than she is (it would be nice, for a change, if she actually left Washington and saw how the average reader viewed embedded columnists such as herself.) Her latest, however, on the rantings of Republican Presidential hopeful Rudolph Giuliani –…

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