What does “development” really mean for Haiti?

Tragically, often the true definition of disaster capitalism, such as this industrial park which is already causing controversy, and rightly so. The New York Times have produced a stunning report and short film about the project. This isn’t progress:

Who believes a word Israel says about Iran?

Seriously, who takes these clowns seriously? If the world listened to Israel, Tehran had a nuclear weapon years ago. The latest comical routine (via The Cable): Israeli Defense Minister… Ehud Barak… said June 30 that Iran will successfully develop a nuclear weapon in “several years” if the international community doesn’t stop it. “In my judgment … … if…

Repeat after me; Blackwater never dies

San Diego Reader on a company that has thrived, despite major controversies, since 9/11. Almost the definition of disaster capitalism: … Last week, Gail Collins, an op-ed columnist for the New York Times, wrote a story about privatization. In the… article, Collins describes privatization efforts that haven’t gone so well. Some examples she listed were privatizing prisons,…

My #LeftTurn chapter on media complicity in war post 9/11

This appears in Crikey’s Pure Poison blog today: Following is an extract from “Media War Junkies Unite”, an essay by Antony Loewenstein from… Left Turn: Political essays for the new Left… which is edited by Loewenstein and Jeff Sparrow, and which was released last week. *** The decade since 11 September 2001 has seen a litany of…

Memo to media; American killing of “militants” is often not the truth

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald: Earlier this week,… The New York Times… reported… that the Obama administration, in order to conceal civilian deaths caused by their drone attacks, “counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants.”… Although I wrote at length about the… NYT”˜s various revelations,… I… wrote separately… about that specific disclosure, in order to emphasize the implications for media outlets reporting…

Obama’s “kill list” and presidential power to murder at will

Washington’s drone war is increasingly exposed as a brutal weapon with countless civilian casualties. America is expanding its use. A major piece in this week’s New York Times provides chilling details of Barack Obama’s major escalation since taking office of killing “terrorists” without any judicial or independent oversight (a new book, Kill or Capture, discusses…

Blogging our way to freedom isn’t so easy in 21st century

The following interview appears in the Australian online legal and human rights journal Right Now: Samaya Chanthaphavong spoke to Antony Loewenstein, author of… The Blogging Revolution… about the use of the internet, in particular blogging, as a communicative tool to promote self-representation, democracy and human rights in areas where excessive regimes impose strict censorship over most forms…

What Gitmo did to one man

The horror and outrage of Guantanamo Bay continues to this day. A legal and moral black hole sanctioned by the highest levels of the US government. No justice. No mercy. This New York Times feature on just one man, innocent and never charged, shows how America has become a country that proudly shuns international law.…

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