A meeting of the minds

Pakistan’s finest journalist on militancy, Syed Saleem Shahzad, on the region’s dark future: The militants plan to establish a new regional alliance. In this regard, Iranian Jundullah (Army of God) leader Abdul Malik Rigi is due to meet an al-Qaeda emissary in the near future near a Pakistani Balochistan coastal town to lay the foundation…

Power of the people

Dawn is Pakistan’s leading English language paper. Today it publishes a review by Mustafa Qadri of my book, The Blogging Revolution: Hot on the heels of his last book, My Israel Question (a history of the Israeli occupation of Palestine from the perspective of an anti-Zionist Jewish Australian), freelance journalist Antony Loewenstein delves into the…

They will fight us as long as we stay

New American special representative for Pakistan/Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, talks to the Wall Street Journal: Some people say to me, particularly after a few drinks, ‘Why don’t we go in there with our troops and just clean it up?’” he says. “First of all we can’t without their permission, and that would not be a good…

How to keep the struggle going

My friend and colleague Mustafa Qadri published an article in the weekend’s LA Times regarding his views on Pakistan and the West’s consistent misunderstanding of the situation there: Despite millions of dollars spent by the State Department on opinion polls in Pakistan, there has been a catastrophic failure to understand the local mind-set. As recently…

Just another friend in terror

Here’s an amazing look at the firearms makers and the market deep in Pakistan. Check it out and think about the quantity they’re producing daily. The largest illegal small arms market in the world.

The policy on Israel

My following article is published in Dawn, Pakistan’s leading English-language newspaper: During this year’s US presidential campaign, both Republican nominee John McCain and Democratic contender Barack Obama expressed unwavering support for Israel. It was the only country in the world that required constant loyalty tests. Obama told the leading Zionist lobby, AIPAC, that he would…

How a war really works

Welcome to America’s uncomfortable choices. “Liberation” is such a tough sell: In the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks in Mumbai, the U.S. government is pressuring Pakistan to investigate the incident that left more than 170 dead in India’s largest city. After arriving Thursday in Islamabad, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice demanded that the Pakistanis…

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