The destruction of Pakistan

The role of the US in “regime change” in Pakistan is central. According to Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, of The Centre for Research on Globalization, “Washington’s foreign policy course is to actively promote the political fragmentation and balkanization of Pakistan as a nation.” Everything else is spin.

Democracy can wait (forever)

Pakistan may be on the brink of civil strife but defense contractors haven’t forgotten their priorities: Lockheed Martin Corp was awarded a $498.2 million contract to supply F-16 aircraft to Pakistan, the Pentagon said on Monday, as Pakistani officials mulled whether to go ahead with a January 8 election after the assassination of opposition leader…

The real Bhutto

Robert Fisk, The Independent, December 29: Weird, isn’t it, how swiftly the narrative is laid down for us. Benazir Bhutto, the courageous leader of the Pakistan People’s Party, is assassinated in Rawalpindi – attached to the very capital of Islamabad wherein ex-General Pervez Musharraf lives – and we are told by George Bush that her…

From Clinton to Bush

Greg Palast, November 12: Just months before he left office President Clinton paid a sudden visit to Musharraf. Congressional Democrats were stunned. Musharraf had quickly shown himself to be a Taliban-loving, unbalanced dictator who violated US treaty terms by exploding a nuke and threatening to incinerate our ally India. Notably, the Ambassador with Clinton made…

It’s all about the energy (again)

The real reason Washington isn’t too fussed about Pakistan’s further descent into dictatorship: The Bush administration’s muted reaction to the dictatorial rule of Pakistan’s Pervez Musharraf has nothing to do with its stated goal of promoting democracy in Asia and the Islamic world. Instead, it’s all about fuel supplies in Afghanistan. Without the Pakistanis, the…

General, take our hand

The Borowitz Report understands the gravity of Pakistan’s pain: In what he described as “an emergency mission to help a key ally in the war on terror,” President George W. Bush flew to Islamabad today to give General Pervez Musharraf tips on how to eliminate democracy. Mr. Bush said he scheduled the trip just hours…

The dark path ahead

Tariq Ali, The Independent on Sunday, November 4: For anyone marinated in the history of Pakistan yesterday’s decision by the military to impose a state of emergency comes as no surprise. Martial law in this country has become an antibiotic: in order to obtain the same results one has to keep doubling the doses. This…

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