Islamic nations rightly shun American ambitions

So much for the Muslim’s world love of America and Barack Obama. Why the hell would they? (via IPS): Despite continuous assurances that the United States favours democratic rule during the 18-month-old “Arab Spring”, majorities or pluralities in six predominantly Muslim countries see Washington as an obstacle to their democratic aspirations, according to a new…

Footage of my 2012 PEN Free Voices lecture

I was invited this year to give the 2012 Sydney PEN “Free Voices” lecture on free speech, censorship and war. It was delivered at the Sydney Writer’s Festival in May and in Melbourne in June. ABC published an extract recently. Film footage of the Sydney event is now available. May you be provoked:

2012 proves that dangers for reporters increasing by the day

Columbia Journalism Review has the shocking facts: … With 72 journalists killed so far this year, 2012 is on pace to be the deadliest on record, the International Press Institute (IPI)… announcedhere on Sunday. The media freedom organization’s executive director, Alison Bethel McKenzie, choked up and struggled to speak as she… addressed… the group’s annual conference. “From Somalia to…

Drone killings; justice must be done soon

This is Barack Obama’s legacy (via the Guardian): The US policy of using aerial drones to carry out targeted killings presents a major challenge to the system of international law that has endured since the second world war, a… United Nations… investigator has said. Christof Heyns, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings, summary or arbitrary executions,…

America’s drone war is both counter-productive and brutal

My following article appears in Lebanon’s Al Akhbar: America’s drone war has countless silent victims. Since President Barack Obama massively expanded his reliance on the weapon from 2009, the number of civilians killed in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen have sky-rocketed, but we rarely hear about these murders. The Western corporate media is content rehashing…

ABCTV News24’s The Drum on refugees, #LeftTurn and Obama’s “kill list”

I appeared last night on ABC TV News24’s The Drum (video here) alongside ABC’s Stephen Long and The Australian’s… Adam Creighton. We talked about asylum seekers – I argued that keeping refugees for longer in detention will only benefit the private contractor Serco and worsen the mental health of both staff and detainees. Regarding austerity in…

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