When “liberal Zionists” slam BDS, you know moral compass is lost

What a sad sight. After months and months of the Australian Murdoch press, major political parties and the Zionist establishment shamefully suggesting that activists who back BDS against Israel are akin to Nazis, a supposedly “liberal Zionist” group, The Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS), releases a statement today and makes exactly the same comparison. If…

EU only knows how to release PR when Jewish fanatics act up

Yet another attack by Jewish colonists on a Palestinian mosque and the EU expresses concern. Omar Barghouti explains the constant weakness of this position (with a message under the headline “EU’s Ashton condemns burning synagogue in France as hurting inter-faith trust”): Well, not quite what Ashton said or what happened. There was no synagogue burnt…

What never-ending occupation has done; Hamas needs Gaza blockade

Amira Hass in Haaretz explains: How embarrassing. While solidarity activists are planning new protests against the blockade of the Gaza Strip, the Hamas government is adding to limitations on Palestinians’ freedom of movement. One might justifiably ask: What are a few high school students Hamas refuses to allow to travel to the United States to…

Newsflash; Greens politician isn’t anti-Semitic but…

Those cuddly fools at Murdoch’s Australian. The paper has spent the last months (and years) finding any way possible to smear individuals who back Palestine. It’s failed miserably, of course, as the rights of Palestinians has never been more understood globally. Last week Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon was forced to write a letter stating she…

This is what Israel loves doing (building illegal colonies)

One more nail in the coffin of the Jewish state: With the end of the building freeze, construction has started up in Judea and Samaria (Yesha) communities. In fact, said the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), building jumped 660% in Judea and Samaria during the first half of 2011, as compared to… the previous… year. While the…

The gospel according to Tony Abbott (future Australian leader?)

The Liberal Opposition leader Tony Abbott is interviewed in today’s Murdoch Australian by Greg Sheridan, a man who never saw a war he didn’t love to watch (from a distance). The message? Abbott loves America, Israel, the West, the “war on terror” and anything Washington asks. That’s not a foreign policy; its sycophancy: I ask…

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