Why cultural boycott is legitimate weapon in face of repression

What weapons for an occupied people? A population facing repression? Cultural, academic and economic boycotts are important tools and must be utilised. I argued this in a recent essay in Overland in relation to Sri Lanka and Palestine. This post on Mondoweiss shows that the debate is global and opponents of boycotts have fewer arguments…

Don’t be seduced by Israeli car company’s occupation friendly stance

Better Place is an Israeli company, with an Australian office, that is delivering electric cars for an enviro-friendly future. Sounds nice in theory but in reality the company, as I have written for a while, operates in the occupied West Bank and should therefore be shunned. Yet anther mainstream story, this time in the Guardian,…

Israel, you have a PR problem (hint; you can’t give up oppressing Arabs)

And these wonderfully inventive stunts will only increase: Israel is being confronted by what observers call an increasingly formidable form of pro-Palestinian activism – foreign nationals staging non-violent publicity stunts. Israel’s reaction to these international incidents, critics said, have played into the hands of activists, who blitzed news organisations to cover their protests. The latest…

When “liberals” see their role as defending occupying Israel

Australian academic Nick Dyrenfurth clearly has much time on his hands, writing essay after essay defending the glories of Israel but essentially ignoring the reasons so many people are increasingly against a state that willingly discriminates against Arabs based on race. He’s… s a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies at…

Delusions of the Palestinian Authority

After decades of fruitless negotiations, we still have the sad and sorry sight of Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat saying this in the US yesterday: We are in contact with all Quartet members. All they have to do is to make the Israeli government accept a two-state solution based on ”˜67 borders with mutually agreed land…

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