Ongoing injustice of the Halabi case in Israel/Palestine

Back in June, +972 Magazine published my major investigation into the troubling case of Mohammed Halabi, a Gaza resident and World Vision employee who’s caught up in an ugly case of Israel prosecuting him for supposedly supporting terrorism (though there’s no evidence to prove this point). Halabi is one of many Palestinians who are unjustly…

Winning the 2019 Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize

This is finally public! I’ve been awarded the 2019 Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize, one of Australia’s major peace awards for my 15 years of journalism around the Israel/Palestine conflict. I’m truly honoured to have been selected for this prestigious award, sponsored by APAN (Australia Palestine Advocacy Network) and Australians for Palestine, in recognition of my books,…

When anti-Semitism is weaponised to silence criticism of Israel

The anti-Semitism “crisis” consuming the UK Labour party is largely an attempt to silence serious criticism of Israel IMHO. I was asked to comment on just one angle of this story by Phil Miller in the UK newspaper The Morning Star: Labour has been labelled “undemocratic” after the party revoked a press pass for a…

A day in the life of the Jordan Valley

During my recent reporting to the Jordan Valley in the occupied West Bank, I took many photos/videos to document the grim reality for Palestinian shepherds dealing with the Israeli army and aggressive settlers. The US magazine Mondoweiss has published my photo essay about those experiences.

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