Israeli Apartheid Week in Sydney and other Zionist truths

Last night I spoke at Sydney University for Israeli Apartheid Week 2012. There was a good turn-out, a smattering of Zionist lobbyists and Arab and Muslim haters but overall a large crowd keen to hear about the reality of Palestine. Although it’s often shocking to hear the hatred directed at Palestinians, and defence or ignoring…

Musings on daily life for Gazans

Amira Hass writes in Haaretz about the grim reality for those caught between Palestinian rockets and Israeli bombardment: On the first day of the cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians, children in the Gaza Strip went to school – as they did throughout the most recent exchange of fire. “There were two days I didn’t…

The sorry state of Israeli propaganda

Here’s some free advice to the Zionist state; placing Shimon Peres, the father of the colonies and defender of anti-democratic moves inside Israel, in a woeful video talking about “peace” will be about as effective as Assad in Syria riffing about non-violent resistance:

What Arabs really think (and guess what, Israel and America are the real threats)

Fascinating new research, published on Al Jazeera, that reflects Arab opinions more than one year after the Arab Spring: A majority describe themselves as religious, but they mostly don’t support the interference of religious authorities in citizens’ political choices. 71 per cent say they don’t distinguish between religious and non-religious people in their economic and…

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