Australia’s dyfunctional neighbour that we keep on funding

This Wikileaks document is revealing because of the general lack of public discussion in Australia about the massive amounts of aid given to Papua New Guinea or the resource curse that besets the nation: Papua New Guinea is entrapped by deeply corrupt politicians who have enriched themselves on resource revenues and Australian aid programs, according…

Fighting back against those raping the Earth

It’s encouraging that growing numbers of communities globally are challenging the right of unaccountable corporate raiders to pillage the natural resources of the world. This is the definition of the resource curse and it’s vital that indigenous peoples challenge the outrage. This recent piece in the UK Guardian by Melody Kemp highlights the trend: Have…

How much Australian aid is privatised and hidden?

This is a good story in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph that outlines the gross waste of Australian aid across the world. Accountability is the least we can expect. What needs to be further examined – something I’m researching – is which private companies here and overseas are scamming the system: Australia’s $4.5 billion foreign aid program…

Rape of the third world continues apace in PNG

The toxic mix of Western multinationals, private security and a thoroughly poor nation: Private security personnel employed at a gold mine in Papua New Guinea have been implicated in alleged gang rapes and other violent abuses, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Porgera mine has produced billions of dollars of gold…

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