Serco bring in the robots, body and soul

First they privatise hospitals and then they call for cost cutting to increase “efficiency”: Robots, instead of human staff, would provide some essential services at WA’s new Fiona Stanley Hospital under a plan that unions warn could cost hundreds of jobs. Serco the company the WA Government wants to provide privatised services at the hospital…

No transparency in Serco dealings with contractors

My following article, with Paul Farrell, appears today in Crikey: As we reported yesterday, private company Serco contracts out some of its security personnel to MSS Security, a company owned by an Indian security company with links to Lehmann Brothers.… By outsourcing to other companies, it’s possible for Serco to distance itself from criticism and in…

Serco and G4S can’t believe their luck in a brave new world

Britain’s future is a privatised world of guards managing and monitoring “undesirables”. Australia and much of the world is following suit. Company G4S may have lost a contract to remove asylum seekers from Britain but its employees will inevitably be working elsewhere soon, possibly doing this to people: A Zimbabwean asylum seeker whose deportation from…

David Cameron’s paradise is allowing privatisation to run wild

What a damn shame. One private firm that engages in thuggery is shunned by the British government: The private security firm G4S said tonight that it was “extremely disappointed” to lose a multimillion-pound government contract to forcibly deport foreign nationals. A decision to award the lucrative contract to a rival firm was announced today, two…

Are we allowed to violently assault asylum seekers? Just asking

Maybe one day, Western governments will ask themselves whether private companies should be tasked (and paid) to do the dirty work of removing refugees. Out of sight and out of mind: The government’s deportation policy has been thrown into confusion after it emerged that the Home Office banned private security firms from forcing detainees on…

Nuclear waste should be placed in the backyard of the multinationals

The idea of dumping nuclear waste material on Aboriginal land is being resisted, and rightly so. The question unanswered in the ABC Radio piece below is which local and foreign companies would financially benefit from this if it moves forward. I’m investigating: TONY EASTLEY: Plans to build a national nuclear waste facility in a remote…

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