What vulture capitalism has done to America

The facts are grim and economic prosperity is nothing more than a dream for the majority of Americans. Policies over decades, something I investigate in my new book Profits of Doom, have contributed to today’s malaise. New figures, via Associated Press, signal the trauma: Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or…

When insider media meets war mongers group hugging obligatory

The vast majority of so-called journalists in the mainstream media ain’t interested in reporting fairly about the role of US power; they want to be an extension of it. A fascinating insight by Max Blumenthal in Alternet on a recent love-in: Seated on a stool before an audience packed with spooks, lawmakers, lawyers and mercenaries,…

Voice of Russia interview on asylum seekers and privatisation

Yesterday I received a call out of the blue from a producer in Moscow asking if I’d like to be interviewed by The… Voice of Russia about Australia’s refugee policies. It was conducted live. Let nobody say that Australia’s ever-worsening cruelty isn’t being noticed by the world: A boat carrying Asian refugees to Australia has sunk…

2SER interview on Papua New Guinea and vulture capitalism

The issue of Australia outsourcing troubles to its neighbour Papua New Guinea (PNG) remains in the news after Canberra aims to send all asylum seekers arriving by boat to this poor nation. Let’s not forget that private companies are making huge money from the mess, a topic related to my new book, Profits of Doom.…

Education is key to fighting disaster capitalism

Henry Rollins is a passionate and cluey American who has spent years fighting the corporate take-over of the state. Here’s his 2012 talk on education being the key in tackling disaster capitalism. A great way to introduce my new book, Profits of Doom:

G4S and Serco act fraudulently in UK but more contracts flowing

A key issue in my forthcoming book, Profits of Doom, is the role of multinationals in turning huge profits from warehousing the most vulnerable people in our societies, including asylum seekers. These revelations in Britain (via The Independent) are interesting but sadly history suggests that like vampires these corporations continue scoring contracts because neo-liberal politicians…

Tony Abbott’s foreign policy would be as clueless as George W. Bush

My following article appears today in the Guardian: In April 2010, as the war in Afghanistan was raging and US president Barack Obama… “surged” 30,000 more troops… into the country, Australian opposition leader Tony Abbott suggested that under his leadership, a Coalition government would have considered increasing involvement. “The government should explain why it’s apparently right that…

How the vast, privatised intelligence world is permanent

Interesting article in the New York Times that outlines some of the background to NSA contractor Edward Snowden. It casually explains how in a post 9/11 worldc countless private employees have control over a vast network of individual communications. Transparency? As if: Intelligence officials refer to Edward J. Snowden’s job as a… National Security Agency… contractor as…

Silicon Valley and US intelligence doing more than heavy petting

Following the recent revelations about global surveillance and Prism by leaker Edward Snowden, the mainstream media is finally seriously investigating the intimate and unhealthy links between tech firms and the US government. This New York Times story… reveals some of those connections and why none of us should trust the privacy pledges given by Facebook, Google…

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