What good friends do for each other; sell death

I‘ve written before about the massive US arms deal to Saudi Arabia (US$60 billion). Now it’s been officially approved by the powers that be in Washington, so see how the State Department defends the weapons to one of the most brutal regimes in the world.

New Greens MP; sustainability doesn’t mean just selling more coal to whores

The first Australian Green in the House of Representatives, Adam Bandt, gave his first speech in Parliament yesterday. It’s a moving affair with many highlights but this struck me: A sustainable future means rethinking our infrastructure priorities, industry policy and the regulation of energy supply. Maybe its something in the water in the electorate of…

Murdoch loves spreading bile; nice little earner

Frank Rich in the New York Times: How do you win Muslim hearts and minds in Kandahar when you are calling Muslims every filthy name in the book in New York? … In the five months after The Times’s initial account there were no newspaper articles on the project at all. It was only in…

Who needs gender equality in Saudi?

A proud ally of America and Australia: Saudi Arabia is keeping up with the times, and blogger Eman Al Nafjan tells us how. Did you know that Saudi Arabia has a service in place where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends a text message to a male guardian every time a “dependent” leaves the country?…

Let the post Wikileaks leaking begin

This piece didn’t get the attention it deserves. Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg (a clear inspiration to Wikileaks and Julian Assange) told the Washington Post last weekend what documents or information should be leaked and freely available. A truly free society would depend on it: 1. The official U.S. “order of battle” estimates of the…

Slamming Islam isn’t just encouraged, it’s praised

This is from a major political leader in the US, a growing trend of open bigotry towards Muslims and likely to lead to growing schisms between the faith and wider community: There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia. The…

Interview with New York’s Indypendent on Palestine, peace, BDS and the MSM

Here’s my interview published today by a leading New York publication, The Indypendent. It was conducted by wonderful young journalist Alex Kane: With “peace talks” between the Palestinian Authority and Israel seeming more and more like a dead end, many people around the world, including dissident Jewish voices, are turning to grassroots activism to pressure…

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