Who is bombing whom here?

The Angry Arab: So Zionist and Saudi media are insisting that people of the world should feel threatened by the Iranian missile test. Saudi media (echoing as usual the Zionist handlers) are citing “experts” (typically in Zionist bastions in the West) to the effect that the missile test is a threat “not only to Israel.”…

What would autocrats know?

Since when was it the right of US-backed dictatorships in the Middle East to dictate policy towards the Palestinians? Amid much speculation over US President Barack Obama’s upcoming address to the Muslim world, reports published on Wednesday outlined the details of his Middle East peace plan, which are said to include a demilitarized Palestinian state.…

And they wonder why they lost

A fascinating story in GQ magazine about the incompetence and arrogance of Donald Rumsfeld. An excerpt: Shortly before the Iraq invasion, King Abdullah II of Jordan decreed that warplanes could not overfly his country if they had previously flown over Israel. The king’s demand meant that U.S. fighters would need to make a multiple-hour detour…

Power of the people

Dawn is Pakistan’s leading English language paper. Today it publishes a review by Mustafa Qadri of my book, The Blogging Revolution: Hot on the heels of his last book, My Israel Question (a history of the Israeli occupation of Palestine from the perspective of an anti-Zionist Jewish Australian), freelance journalist Antony Loewenstein delves into the…

The fate of the lone blogger

Sadly, many of the countries below that repress bloggers are the same nations I feature in my book, The Blogging Revolution: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has just released a list of the ten worst countries in which to blog. Topping the list is Burma, followed closely by Iran, Syria, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam,…

We shouldn’t be grieving for the death of newspapers

My following article appears today in Online Opinion: As a journalist who spends the vast majority of my life online, the seemingly never-ending debates about the future of the media and newspapers can be exhausting and predictable. The same mantras are heard over and over again. Where will the news come from when newsprint dies?…

The kind of ally we should not have

Human rights for women (and men) in Saudi Arabia are atrocious, something I examined in my book, The Blogging Revolution. But activists there continue to agitate, as they should. But where is the international support for their actions? Activists in Saudi Arabia have protested a government ban on women drivers before, but it’s never been…

Stop bowing to dictators

It’s hard to disagree with conservative commentator Michelle Malkin: I have expressed my disgust many times over the years with the Bush administration’s kowtowing to Saudi Arabia. That notorious image of Bush holding hands with Saudi royalty in 2005 and doing sword dances with Wahabbists in 2008 sparked outrage on both the left and the…

Talking Palestine in Ubud

I’m currently in Ubud, Bali after being invited by the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival to conduct an event tonight. The following article appears in the current edition of the local paper, The Bali Advertiser: 2009 Ubud Writers and Readers Festival presents Antony Loewenstein author of “My Israel Question” and “The Blogging Revolution” Just as…

The Jewish state likes being alone

Saudi Arabia is a brutal dictatorship run by crooks. Despite this, however, it remains a close friend of the US and “ally” of Israel. The recent war against Gaza may have changed all that, writes Prince Turki, chairman of King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh. He has also been director of…

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