Public fight against Serco continues

And it’s just beginning: The union representing hospital workers has defended its decision to bring traffic in Perth’s CBD to a standstill over a dispute about the privatisation of some hospital services. The Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union is fighting the State Government’s plans to contract out some services at public hospitals to private companies.…

The long reach of Serco into the Australian political hierarchy

British multinational Serco is constantly in the news, the company that runs all of Australia’s detention centres with little or no accountability; just the way they like it. And now this: The mastermind behind the sacking of more than 50,000 public servants during the Greiner and Fahey Liberal governments has been quietly advising Barry O’Farrell’s…

Villawood: asbestos still present despite government claims

My following investigation appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Sydney’s Villawood detention centre contains asbestos years after the federal government claims it was managed, according to a whistle-blower working at the site. A guard hired by MSS Security, the firm contracted by British multinational Serco to manage security at Villawood, told Crikey about the lack…

Villawood guards blow whistle on abuses at detention centre

My following investigation appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Three security guards working at Sydney’s Villawood detention centre have exposed occupational health and safety breaches at their workplace, in exclusive interviews with Crikey. The three employees of MSS Security, one of the companies contracted by British multinational Serco in its management of asylum seekers, have…

Murdoch press likes race-baiting over asylum seekers

This is the front page story of today’s Sydney Daily Telegraph (surprised the lead isn’t about Lady Gaga or welfare mothers on crack robbing homeless men): Dozens of asylum seekers are on the run, with fears they are being supported by underground networks. Of the 47 people to have escaped last year, 12 had been…

The Serco rot jumps to yet another country

The following statement was released on 9th February by the New Zealand Green Party: It has been revealed that a Serco prison has the worst record of self-harm in Scotland, said the Green Party today. Serco’s contract to run Auckland remand prison is due to be tabled in Parliament shortly. It has been reported in…

Australia has no idea how to handle a few thousand refugees

We are led by cowards and fools, governments and oppositions afraid to treat asylum seekers as human beings. Instead of processing the relatively few people quickly and carefully, they are housed away in privatised prisons run by a British multinational, Serco, with no accountability. This feature in today’s Melbourne Age shows the disgrace: Today over…

What happens when Serco runs Christmas Island

The Refugee Action Collective just released this press statement that highlights the seeming inability or unwillingness of Serco and the Immigration Department to handle the influx of asylum seekers: At least one Tamil detainee has been seriously injured on Christmas Island as overcrowding in the tension centre has seen a series of fights erupt over…

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