Assange and Serco, quite a relationship

Great letter in today’s Crikey about the ubiquitous Serco and its merry jobs. How many ways can this company make a buck from misfortune? Michael R. James writes: To top off a frenetic 24 hour news cycle of the harassment of Julian Assange, nothing was quite as chilling as seeing him being ferried to a…

Inside the Serco British test-case

Just what is Serco doing at Britain’s Yarl’s Wood detention centre? The BBC investigates though does a pretty average job, only speaking to the Serco manager of the place. Maybe under-cover work would have brought far better results.

Serco looks deaf, dumb and blind in Australia

Another day and another tragedy in Australia’s detention centres. It’s clearly too much for the media to investigate…  the role of the company that runs the places, Serco: Detainees at the Villawood Immigration Detention Centre in Sydney are planning a hunger strike today after the suicide of an inmate. It is the second suicide at…

Beware of a public opposed to Serco running the state

The recent news that Serco will be running Western Australia’s Fiona Stanley hospital has resulted in opposition, views largely ignored by governments desperate to privatise everything that moves: More than three quarters of Perth voters in marginal seats are opposed to the Barnett Government privatising services at Fiona Stanley Hospital, with only one in ten…

Abusing detainees and bike hiring; in a day’s work for Serco

Serco is finding its way into every part of our lives, a multinational with the right connections and a big wallet: British services giant Serco has secured a 140 million pound contract to set up a bicycle hire scheme in central London that aims to tackle overcrowding on the capital’s commuter networks. The contract with…

Serco bring in the robots, body and soul

First they privatise hospitals and then they call for cost cutting to increase “efficiency”: Robots, instead of human staff, would provide some essential services at WA’s new Fiona Stanley Hospital under a plan that unions warn could cost hundreds of jobs. Serco the company the WA Government wants to provide privatised services at the hospital…

Serco and G4S can’t believe their luck in a brave new world

Britain’s future is a privatised world of guards managing and monitoring “undesirables”. Australia and much of the world is following suit. Company G4S may have lost a contract to remove asylum seekers from Britain but its employees will inevitably be working elsewhere soon, possibly doing this to people: A Zimbabwean asylum seeker whose deportation from…

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