Serco provide “security” in Australia so let’s all relax

Behold! The local media (in today’s Australian) briefly mention the role of British multinational Serco but watch how quickly it’ll be buried again. Nothing to see here, all hail privatised cruelty: The government has ruled out using the military as a crisis response force in the event of trouble at a new immigration detention centre…

Hello media, what are Serco doing to asylum seekers in Australia?

The Australian media is filled with coverage of the refugee protest at Sydney’s Villawood detention centre and yet virtually no journalists seem to be reporting about the role of Serco, the company running the place. It’s always simply assumed that privatisation of detention centres is a jolly good idea for all concerned. For a lack…

Asylum seekers all over the news but Serco’s role remains covered

From this morning’s ABC AM: TONY EASTLEY: A police investigation will continue today into the death of a Fijian man at the Villawood Immigration detention centre in Sydney. The 36-year-old, who jumped to his death yesterday morning, was due to be deported back to Fiji. Overnight, tensions remained high at the centre when a group…

Detaining children seems to be a Western speciality

While Australia detains hundreds of children in immigration detention, the situation in the UK is depressingly similar (also housed by private companies such as Serco): When David Cameron declared that his government would “end the incarceration of children for immigration purposes once and for all”, those familiar with the horror of it were cautiously optimistic.…

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