ABCTV News24 on climate change, Murdoch thuggery and asylum seekers

I appeared last night on ABCTV News24’s The Drum (video here). The Federal government is introducing its carbon tax legislation into the parliament and yet I argued it’s legitimate to ask why so many polluters are receiving such concessions. It’s an attempted political fix that hasn’t convinced many Australians. Simply put, many people are skeptical…

Voices rising against Serco’s power

Very few journalists in the corporate press seem interested in the ever-expanding role of unaccountable Serco, the British multinational. Privatisation is accepted as gospel by both major sides of politics and the mainstream media. To its credit, Green Left Weekly publishes today the following important part of the story: British-based multinational corporation Serco Group is…

Who really wants Serco to remain in Australia? Not the people

With so many unanswered questions, privatisation is not the way forward for helping people. But then again, that’s not the point, is it? It’s about profit above humanity: The private company that runs the Christmas Island detention centre should be stripped of its contract, and control of the network returned to the Commonwealth, says the…

With Serco in charge, abuses are guaranteed

Another day and another serious allegation: A former Serco employee at Curtin Detention Centre says treatment of detainees by some staff members was “outrageously brutal” and they were bullied constantly. Seven asylum seekers were flown from Curtin and put in isolation on Christmas Island on Tuesday night because of increased tensions at the remote centre,…

Having opinions about immigration detention isn’t acceptable

The message here is that privatised care enforces strict bounds of discussion, and honesty isn’t part of the equation: A mental health nurse was sacked from a job in a Darwin detention centre for voicing her opinion on the detention system. A termination letter says the worker, who wished to stay anonymous, was fired because…

Not the best advertisement for Serco in New Zealand

Mmm: Auckland’s Mt Eden prison operator Serco has been accused of bribing inmates with bigger helpings of food and televisions in their cells to encourage them to behave. The prison officers’ union, the Corrections Association, said that in addition to larger meals, Serco served dessert every night, unheard of in the State prison system, Radio…

Deaths in Serco’s care and yet the company still thrives

What exactly will it take for Western governments to realise that the profit motive is the worst argument for outsourcing essential human services? Separate investigations into three deaths in immigration removal centres (IRC) in the past month have been launched by the police, amid growing concern about the treatment of detainees. The spate of deaths…

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