Punishing Israel for its addiction to settlements

We all know the Zionist colonies are illegal so get a bloody move on taking action against them and Israel (via the Independent): European governments, including Britain’s, have received legal opinion from a leading international counsel who argues they would be fully within their rights to ban trade with Israeli settlements in the occupied West…

Yes, it is apartheid in Palestine

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: … Avi is an inspection coordinator for the “Civil Administration” – the occupation regime, to speak without euphemisms. Presumably Avi likes his job. Maybe he’s even proud of it. He doesn’t bother mentioning his last name in the forms he signs. Why should he? His ornate “Avi” signature is sufficient to carry…

There is no Middle East “peace process”, then or now

Ben White in Al Jazeera kills it: Simply put, the “peace process” is used as a substitute for international law, rather than as a means to secure its implementation. Thus… accountability… for war crimes in Gaza is seen as a threat to the peace process, while for the Palestinians to go to the UN (putting aside that…

Zionist illegality is another day at the office

At some point, liberal Zionists, like this editorial writer in Haaretz, will realise that simply hoping Israel behaves itself is futile. Outside pressure and action is essential. And boycott, divestment and sanctions: One might expect that in a law-abiding, principled country the authorities would deal forcefully and resolutely with the practice of building settlement outposts…

Come to the West Bank and shoot Ayrab “terrorists”

Celebrating colonisation, demonising Arabs and making money in the process? Welcome to Israel 2012 (via Ynet): Like a frozen turkey plunged into boiling oil, a group of American tourists descend from an air-conditioned van into the scorching heat of the West Bank. Flashing smiles all around, they march into Caliber 3, a local shooting range.…

Think nukes makes Israel feel safe? As if

Joseph Dana, The National: For years, Israel has collected personal information about travellers to the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. And security officials intimidate travellers who are deemed problematic. It used to be that officials would rifle through people’s notebooks and journals. Even Israeli Jews involved in Palestinian solidarity projects are…

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